by D8TA 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • D8TA

    I was born in to your so-called “visible earthly organization”. You taught me well; with the intimate details in the machinery you call “the society”. You assumed that your strict exercises would suppress my ability to achieve a free mind. You assumed that your labels of “apostasy” would hinder those who would cross my path, and would not listen to my words of dissent. You assumed that your self proclaimed “Jehovah’s Organization” is protected by the All Mighty himself. You assumed wrong.

    About the matter of your 6,000,000 worldwide memberships? You can make that 5,999,996 now. Oh sure, in your arrogance, you scoff at the loss of only 4 members. But those are four members that heard my message. These are four members who were “devout-faithful-upstanding” Jehovah Witnesses. Do you scoff at the first few raindrops before the coming storm as well?

    You rule with fear. You rule with twisting the current legalities of the U.S., offering protection to your vile, deceitful organization. Before you 12 men lay your heads upon your pillows this evening, know that this thought will plague you: There are people in this world who can be as vicious as you, there are people in this world who do not fear you. There are places in this world, where laws do not protect you. YOUR false god you call “Jehovah” will not come to your rescue. The one true creator that you fail to acknowledge, vengeance is his.

    I promise you this:

    Kiss your legal fight in Canada goodbye. The father WILL prevail. The courts will grant decision with him, and you WILL NOT lay him financially destitute as you planned. I offer you this word of wisdom: Prepare your precious headquarters with news of defeat.

    Your current cover-up mired in your Theocratic Warfare double-speak involving issues of pedophilia? Exposed. Your “clean organization”? Tarnished. Your power over millions? Eradicated. The very vultures YOU created will pick your naked shell of a corpse that once was called The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society apart. The time for self-glory is at an end, not by prophesies, but by your OWN hand. By your OWN words.

    So scramble little monitor minions of the “society”, scramble. I trust you are not as incompetent as a doorknob. Quickly, find the post with my name and where I am from. Write or call that congregation that has my name on file. I’m the only one in this state that goes by this name. I am the only person with such a name, to come out of your filthy quagmire. I have admitted, I have that status of “inactive”. Quickly, rush-rush-rush, get those elders to form a committee again. You do want to keep the “organization clean” don’t you? No compromises, remember? Here I am, I’m admitting; I’ve gone and talk to “brothers and sisters” about my dissenting views on the “society”. I’ve persuaded already four of your members to turn from your false prophet organization. Time is a ticking. Where’s the announcement? I’m waiting. No….I’m taunting.

    Let’s parlay. Your grand society with it’s hundreds of millions of dollars versus just…one….man. Surely, since the 12 of you are cowards as to not even have a dialogue with me, you must have some legal counsel to do your dirty work for you, do you not? Why not send them? Send your filthy little fingers out probing; I’ll chew them up. Not even your squad of dream team lawyers will prevent what I’ve got in store for you.

    Cover up well this night dear Governing Body, not even the blankets you use will offer protection from this battle. You’ve crossed the line one to many times, with many people. Now you’ve finally crossed the line with someone who can and is willing to fight on the same vicious level as you. You screwed up.


  • Naeblis

    Man.. Samuel L Jackson is pissed.

  • Mimilly

    Yep, and he's ready to use The Force.

  • rmayer32

    You tell the bastards!!!


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    That was the most interesting and enjoyable thing Ive read on this board in a least.

  • Reborn2002

    Mace Windu is THE MAN!!!!

    If you saw the movie you KNOW how well he can fight when angry.

    Lord knows, I agree with you D8TA.

    The mighty publishing corporation will fall by the hands of the individual they dismiss as no potential threat.

    You admitted you have gotten 4 people out.

    In 6 months, I have gotten 3 people out and shown countless other "worldly" people of the falsehoods so that they may never be converted.

    The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society WILL fall, and it will be in our lifetime.

    - Jedi Master Jason

    It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
    WT 11/15/1963 page 688 paragraph 3

  • meat pie
    meat pie

    Excellent post D8TA, it will be interesting to see if they do anything about it!

  • HildaBingen

    :Your current cover-up mired in your Theocratic Warfare double-speak involving issues of pedophilia? Exposed. Your “clean organization”? Tarnished. Your power over millions? Eradicated. The very vultures YOU created will pick your naked shell of a corpse that once was called The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society apart. The time for self-glory is at an end, not by prophesies, but by your OWN hand. By your OWN words.:

    Boy are you gullible. From a sociological aspect--the wts or the governing body of jw will not fall. Study the sociology of religion and see for self. Read Plato Republic. You wrong.

    But we also have God on our side. Brother Paul say that if God uper hmwn--then tis kath hmwn.

    Opposers will go down.

  • Francois

    Good Luck, D8. I've challenged the bastards, all of them plus all of their lawyers en masse to debate me, just me, for over a year now. But they are too cowardly to come out and play.

    I told them to pick a time convenient to them and reasonable to me.

    I told them to pick a place convenient to them and reasonable to me.

    I invited ALL OF THEM, all the GB and all their legal sleazebags to take me on all alone, just little ol' me, by myself. After all Rutherford debated all comers, and when the clergy refused to come back and debate him, he crowed about how that proved them to be false, and him to be right, righteous, and true. Same rules apply today.

    I charge the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of not only cowardice, but of knowing, deliberate, and with malice aforethought, hypocrisy. I can hear them now saying, just as did the Phariesees, "better that one man die than harm to come to the whole."

    I hope you have better luck with them than I've had. Their cowardice is absolute. If you have a way to drag them into court, go for it. They certainly will not debate voluntarily.


  • TheStar


    When I saw Star Wars I thought of you! You go boy!!!

    Watch out WT, D8TA kicks butt!!!

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