what is the answer to the old question about the immovable object and the irresistible force?

by Hortensia 30 Replies latest social current

  • Satanus

    Back to your cold mode - reptilian.


  • Viviane

    You know nothing about me, please don't pretend that you do. If there is any emotion you are feeling from reading words on a screen, you are the source of it.

  • Satanus

    Have a good evening.


  • Hortensia

    well, that went weird pretty fast

  • zebagain

    Is that when us men have a honeydew moment?

    Like a long weekend comes up but the wife says "Honey do you...?" and that is the end of the weekend.

  • Phizzy

    If there were an immovable object, could Omnipotent God move it ?

  • prologos

    Phizzy, any OBJECT that still has another entity beside it, can not be Unmovable, because having another, particularly one classed as 'god' (if any) besides it, the object can not be absolutely infinite. The tiniest force will move any object. perhaps by not much at first, but it will.

  • Phizzy

    Oh prologos, now you've gone and brought reality in to our little debate about words ! LOL

  • NeonMadman

    It's always seemed to me that the question is not meaningful. If a force comes against an object, one of two things happens:

    1. The object moves.

    2. The object does not move.

    I can't think of any alternatives to these two options.

    If (1) is true, then the object was never immovable.

    If (2) is true, then the force was never irresistable.

    Therefore, the posited interaction could never happen. You could not have both an immovable object AND an irresistable force, even in theory. One or the other, maybe (in theory), but not both.

    By the way, several here have indicated that a force will cause any object to move, even if so slightly as to be undetectable. Maybe so, but I don't see that as being relevant. Either the object moves or not. The degree of movement makes no difference.

  • sparrowdown

    What happens when an iresistible force meets immovable object?

    You get a posting war between a smart arse and a know it all.

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