Requirements for the Anointed

by HeyThere 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HeyThere

    So I have a question...according to the bible, the anointed are virgins, among other things. So how are married fathers and mothers able to be anointedwhy xoes nobody question this?

    Now, I did see in this past weeks wt they mentioned "spiritual virgins" which is not in the bible...why do people believe this stuff they is so weird! my own husbamd is believing this stuff.

  • blondie

    BTW many 1st century Christians were married, Peter for one. So how could he be of the anointed?

  • HeyThere

    I am new and not a jw, but a recent unbaptized pub, only attending for about a year, my h was a born in dub who was inactive when we met and married. all of this is new to maybe that is why...but I am so mind boggled at how this religio. wants to keep giving dates for the "end of this zyztem" and they never work out and people still believe! Tbey say crazy things, make up stuff, add their own spin to the bible and....millions of followers?!?!? This is so sad to me.

    Anyhow, Revelations 14:4 says of the 144,000: These are the ones who did not defile themselves with women; in fact, they are virgins...

    It specifically says did not defile woth the bible is saying the 144,000 are virgin males. Or am I missing something?

  • trujw

    They believe because they want to believe. just like Christ is invisible in heaven only helping jws. Only he has a hard time cause they get everything wrong. 1914, 1915, 1918, 1925, 1975, this generation, the anointed getting smaller pyramids given by god. I have to stop my hand is tired.

  • prologos

    rev 14 must have been written, edited by a monk. not monke-ying around.

  • Enlightenment123

    Hey There,

    The 144,000 teaching is bogus. It was only instituted because they first believed they were all going to heaven, but their numbers grew so fast, Joseph Rutherford had to move fast to try and explain how they couldn't all go to heaven....or something.

    The point is...they currently teach that the 144,000 is a literal number and in the very same breath say that the rest of it, like not being defiled by women, is totally symbolic and not that they are, in reality, virgins.

    Sorry, but it's all stupid...scripture doesn't work that way. Trying to wrap your head around any of the doctrine is almost impossible.

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes, as a "still-in" witness...(trying hard to leave), I always found it hard to reconcile the teaching that the 144000 is literal, yet the bible speaks of the twelve tribes of Israel as each providing 12000 from each (=144000)

    YET we are taught that these are not the literal tribes, as the names are different... Therefore it is supposed to be symbolic.

    BUT the actual number is supposed to be literal!

    BUT when it speaks of them as virgins, that is symbolic.... "Spiritual virgins".....

    SO... Some is symbolic, some is literal!

    OH COME ON!, get it right! Some consistently woud be great!

    Oh, and speaking of them being "defiled by women"! So are women unclean now hey? What's the supposed symbolism of these unclean females? Is sex a "defiling" act?

  • Enlightenment123

    The 144,000 literal part is just more idiocy. It keeps 99% of witnesses separated from God and Jesus' sacrifice. Jesus said that absolutely everyone had to partake of his flesh and blood to have Him or eternal life in them. Anyone who doesn't partake doesn't have Christ or life. So, with this literal thing, they completely cut most witnesses off from God. And don't even get me started on needing the GB as mediator to Jesus and then the Father, or that Jesus is only the mediator to the anointed. Jesus is the ONLY mediator to all mankind and it has nothing to do with a bunch of self-righteous men in their Brooklyn Ivory Tower.

    I've looked at that scripture for a long time...about being undefiled by women. It's rather plain. But I'm not sure what it's really supposed to mean. Also, the "kings and priests" ruling with Christ or however it's worded...that implies men only, not women. And that would make sense because there are scriptures that say women can't take the lead in a church/congregation. But there are 'anointed' female witnesses. Prophecy is tricky. I think we will understand it all when it's really time.

    Their interpretations of Daniel and Revelation are just plain stupid. Those books they published about them are mostly useless.

  • stuckinarut2

    Oh i dunno... The books are useful.... As fire starters.....

  • sarahsmile

    Your not missing anything! Just JWs probably think 144,000 should be males! Although they believe both male and females should partake.If you look at the outdated Revelations Its Grand Climax...." it shows a pictures of the 144,00 as males with wings! No women! LOL! They are men but probably were not virgins before they got their wings! joke.

    Anyhow JWs could always say it is symbolic for pure believers in Jehovah. They never mixed true worship Jehovah with false Christendom Trinity. However, I never knew a JW 144,000 partaker who was a born in! Most were raised in other churches and partook as children and adults then joined JWs and partook. So much for virgins! :-)

    You could declare your part of the 144,000 feel the need to partake. Your hubby will become concerned because he will want you in paradise with him.

    Watch how everyone will treat you.Lol.

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