Spiritual Satanists teach that the "demons" are not evil at all, but have been labled so by Christianity. "Demons" are extraterrestrial beings that created humanity with the ability to attain God-like status. Other beings, aka, YHWH and "angels" did not want that to happen. The battle has been raging ever since.
"Satan" and his demons want to free mankind and help them achieve their full potential. YHWH and Christianity want to enslave man and keep humans from reaching their potential. The "New World" is the goal of all who are under the influence of YHWH, a cruel, egotistic, murderous, jealous "GOD" [ compared to us ]. The "dark ages" under Catholic rule are a perfect example of what YHWH wants. All the suffering of man is due to the goals of YWHW, who's "angels" never help or save anyone.
"Satan", the being who actually created man by genetic engineering, wants man to attain "Godhood." Jesus was one such person who did so, and was killed by the servants of YHWH. Jesus was all about love, and he healed people. All the demon stuff was made up later when the Bible was crafted to give the Jews a history they never had, and set up Christianity as a decoy to enlightenment.
Christians ever since have been repeating "Jesus Saves" while ignoring their own spiritual development. Instead of taking responsibility for their own lives as "Satan" wishes them to do, they "wait on YHWH." "Satan" wants to lead mankind to a technological and spiritual pinnacle. YHWH get's pissed when people unite and try to build things on their own. Christianity is the main divisive force on earth.
There are many different sects of "Satanism", but the people I have talked to are pretty cool. They say that "Satan" loves humans, loves animals, wants to educate and free us, advocates self-actualization and is not evil. There is no human sacrifice or monsters or blood-sucking or other such nonsense. All the creepy Hollywood stuff that gives children nightmares is made up to control people and steer them to YHWH.
It's interesting what you learn if you stop discriminating based on "religion."