This excellent 4 minute video will help to clear up a few common misunderstandings regarding evolution.
There Was No First Human
by cofty 266 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good video. I enjoyed it. But had to laugh at the plug for Dawkins book at the end.
The video pointed to gradual change over long periods of time, and highlighted that there is no first of any species because the changes are so small over time. This is what I had difficulty with as a JW and when I first learned TTATT, but now I can see the science.
Kate xx
The point is Scientist they show what they want us to believe. Just like religions their part of the System to control us. The history we are tought is not the real actual one, in some parts if an evidence doesn't fit their agenda then it is hidden from the general public.
JustHuman Scientists don't want you to believe anything. There is no agenda that I am aware of.
Scientists don't want you to believe anything-cantleave
Is Richard Dawkins a scientist? He claims to be and he has an agenda. In Chapter 2 of "The Greatest Show on Earth" he states that the book will arm atheists to refute creationists. This is a clear agenda, and an other Dawkins book is pluged at the end of the video. So there is agenda right there to sell Dawkins publications.
Everyone has agendas.
Kate xx
Everyone has agendas.
Agreed, however I don't think there's a conspiracy anywhere quite as elaborate as the one justhuman is suggesting.
Kate - Dawkins wants to disseminate facts, in order educate people against those that want myths taught as science, That is not forcing an agenda of belief.
I agree with the premise.
Life began with the fourth human.
Rub a Dub
Angus, he is a fundie and you know it. He makes sweeping generalisations like calling people "uneducated church goers". That is intellectual intimidation and he is not actually defining who he means. He could be talking about all 10 yr olds.
Don't get me onto comparisons either.
Having said this about Dawkins, the video is good. I like it. It explains things nicely.
Kate xx
So far as I understand Richard Dawkins he is a lover of Truth, as I am. He is a person who sees the Scientific method as the best we have for finding out about, and explaining Life the Universe and Everything ( thank you Douglas Adams, for the phrase.)
As he is Media friendly, he has the ability to articulate ideas in ways that non-experts can understand, he has become a public figure.
"Public Figures" are people who, more often than not, find themselves immediately derided and criticised by people of lesser abilities, who, by so doing are motivated purely by the desire to make themselves look far better than they are.
The man is a great Educator, and deserves respect for that work.
Thanks for posting the Video Cofty, I shall make Mrs Phizzy watch it later, it will clear up some questions for her.