My name was false prophet. My address was October 1968 Awake is it later than you think. My town was this generation will by no means pass away May 15, 1984. To be honest I am going to request again but this time with my real name and address. I cant wait when Jws come to my door it is like christmas everytime and I am tired of waiting months to school them. I need to speed up my activity and avertise avertise avertise this cult to the cult members themselves. I think we should all get together and request a bible study whether it be to expose them as i did or to request them to our home. The truth will set them free. I was a born in my mother has yet to see her grandaughter and will do everthing in my power to bring this cult down.
Just asked for a bible study on
by trujw 22 Replies latest jw experiences
Hi trujw, Best of wishes helping JWs to critically think for themselves.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Thanks bible student. Some days I just get really pissed off. I ask why did I have to be born in a cult. My mother is so brainwashed that even if Christ himself came from heaven and told her to leave she would ask th elders what she should do. I am not like some who just want to go on with there lives I am an activist raised and born that way by this horriable cult. Now it is there to turn to find out I will never forget and never forgive them. Am I bitter hell yes and feel there is nothing wrong with that.
LOL, trujw. My mother would do the exact same thing. "Um, Brother Eldurr, Jesus just told me to leave this cult. What should I do??" I can see it now. Sigh.
I am part of the same story different song. Was smart could of haved a scholorship etc. etc. got married at 19 and always had question that supposedly people strong in the truth could not answer. I left though with a bang. Only 20 something and had a jc. My crime to question the most holy governing body. I felt and feel imense sorry for my wife at the time. She got DF for nothing but not showing up for a meeting with the elders. She was and is one of the most kindest people I know. This cult destroys families and people but to my credit called the cops on them to get a restraing order when they summoned my wife to her JC.
Oh, right! You mean like a 'secret shopper'?
See how well they are following through with the instructions they've just been given on page 7 of the 2014 June KM
That's all folks!
DarK SpilveR
Just asked for my bible study. Lets see what happens! gave my name and phone number.
What does the June KM say?
All the best trujw!
Just keep your cool, and your dignity. Dont let them cause you to become a character or personality that you dont like to see in yourself.
Remember that "only you can control how you feel...dont let others do that to you"
That's all folks!
DarK SpilveR