This video was posted on a Viral site. There's 2 witnesses who are put on the spot by a very simple and thought provoking question. I read quite a few of the comments posted on this video and most of the people are critical of the JW and you can tell that some have researched about the cult. There are quite a few idiots though, just so you know.
2 Jdubs at a door
by whathehadas 11 Replies latest jw friends
Bungi Bill
This could be just me, but I would have classed that response more in the category of "baffle with bull$h#t if you cannot blind with science", rather than thought provoking.
Still, though, a much more sophisticated way of getting rid of them than the one we popularly encountered in our territory (Logan City, QLD, Australia)
@Bungi Bill LMAO that's a straight forward response. I wasn't claiming that the "householder" question was the most intelligent response but a simple one. It could make these witnesses think a little about converting people away from their beliefs.
I have been thinking about this subject a lot lately, people are indocrinated in to thier religion mostly since childhood and its very arogant for any one especially jws to think they can go out and just change peoples minds just like that and if not thier all going to be destroyed.
I got there late..It`s been removed..(Edited:Nope it`s back!)
I brought this back though!..
I murdered a load of Jehovah's at church today...Don't worry, I left no witnessess.....Willie B
Messed up but Funny!!..LOL!!..
@Outlaw LOL there's a lot of funny comments on there. What surprises me though is that there are a few Jdubb apologists commenting. That site would be the last place a REAL Jdubb would hang out. This site would be more appeasing LOL. They can find out TTAT LOL
People know about the Jdubbs LOL
Kaisha DocLoveless Hemphill Raging Bull • 6 hours ago
I have family members who are JW and from what I've seen, that shit fits right in the description of a cult. They cant date anyone outside their religion, cant celebrate anything not even their birthday, they'll even tell yu to kick your own child out of your house if they dont become a member. What religion tells you to turn your back on your child? a CULT
Raging Bull PICA$$O BAE YEEZY • 7 hours ago
they'll wright your name on a slip, and then keep going back until you or someone answers the door. Plus behind your back they laugh about you saying "People scared to answer their own door." That's why they think the average Christian is not a true one - because they never "defend" their stance. it's always "I have my own religion" or "Not interested" they believe they have the ONE TRUE RELIGION. But if you research them and their movement, it's easy to prove to them that they are false prophets.
I just love the way she handled that!
"Are you gonna put us on youtube?"
"I'm goinna put you everywhere!"And they ate it up....... ahahaha. I also got a chuckle out of the two 'brothers' in the background, doin' the pio-sneer shuffle. :D Also noted, it's a high-end neighbourhood, and the 'householder' says that 'y'all come around here often'. Hell to the yeah, less doorbells and no nasty tenements!
After reading the other posts, though, I must go back and read the comments!
I had an witness elder at the door today. Told him I didnt believe in talking snakes. But oh he said it was just satan using the snake like a ventriloquist.
Oh I said then why did he punish the snake.
He couldnt answer that one.