Give me some examples of 'good lawyers'.
by LogCon 20 Replies latest social humour
A good lawyer is one I used who was not afraid of the WBTS, would not back down, fought for what was right and just and WON!
Band on the Run
Personal injury lawyers are infamous for not being ethical. MY gf worked at one firm. People scream in the hallways asking how much a ten year old's arm is worth. I was worried when I needed to find a personal injury lawyer for myself. No one would take the case b/c it was not worth millions. Through a referral at coffee hour at church I found a great one. Relaxed, academic, top school. I just glanced at the website. After the case went to arbitration, I discovered that my Jewish law firm was composed of born-again Christians who also specialize in the Establishment Clause but as opponents. They want government in religion. I just laughed. One reason that personal injury lawyers have ethical problems is that they take far too many cases.
Divorce lawyers might let clients and former spouse fight each other through the courts which increases their fee. You can meet in a public park and have a fight for a lot less money. The divorce lawyers I knew, though, were furious with their clients desire to continue the disipute. Lawyers who only do divorces can look at a financial sheet at the beginning and estimate what each party will get. Some have relationships with therapists. A friend said women are drawn to their male lawyers. It is grounds for discipline.
Why was there no thread on good and evil beauticians or maintenance men? Evil is a very strong term. I've seen lawyers lose their health defending clients. Good people were getting divorced.
Band on the Run
Thurgood Marshall, William Brennan. Sandra Day O'Connor, Ruth bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, John Paul Stevens, Anthony Kennedy, ACLU and NAACP lawyers, N.O.W. lawyers, Legal Services lawyers, Legal Aid or public defenders, U.S. Attorneys, Eric Holder, my classmates. Harvard Law alums, Yale Law alums, etc.
Most lawyers are good. The Irish lawyers who were executed with their clients. Egyptian lawyers who fought for const'l rule. John Adams, Alexander Hamilton. I can't recall if Jefferson studied for the bar. James Madison, John Jay, Abe Lincoln, the Abolitionists, John Quincy Adams. Chief Justice Taney, with the exception of Dredd Scott. large firm lawyers. Justice Dept lawyers, Federal Reserve lawyers, SEC, EPA.
Might the polarized feeling come from the process, which demands "winners" and "losers"?
There's not as much consequence for a bad haircut. Grow it out and start again.
Band on the Run
My hair was butchered. I decided to be cheap and went to a place that once serviced punk rockers. Punk rock was a long time ago. I had to wear a hat all winter which I may have anyway b/c of the cold. I did not go to a salon so I received no compensation or services. The thought of calling the police entered my mind. It is going to take at least another six months.
Asking for evil lawyers was not appropriate, in my view. Incompetent is one standard. Disciplined is another. Evil reeks of fundamentalism. Evil brings up images of Hitler and Idi Amin, both of whom were not lawyers. It is not good for society when ordinary people are so hostile. This country would not function at all in any sphere if lawyers walkedoff the job. Is someone evil if they favor the opposite party?
And any fee is too much. It gets tired, very tired. There are campaigns to educate children in the 7th grade as part of World History.
Band on the Run asked , "Why was there no thread on good and evil beauticians or maintenance men?"
Okay, okay.
Next time: Good and bad tow truck drivers. OR Good and bad elevator repair [wo]men. OR Good and bad barista's. OR Good and bad airline pilots.
Try starting a bad landlord topic ......
EDIT: Or better yet "Slumlords you have known" ... lol!
Alan and Denny Crane from Boston Legal.
The Good Wife.
Oh hang on they're fictional.
The Crown has some really good lawyers. When working with youth at risk, one of the young men was charged with armed robbery. He had actually been bullied and threaened into it, and was standing at the door. Even the clerk had stated that the young man looked very frightened, and felt the Crown should show leniency.
The defence attorney was thorough, and knew his stuff. Youth did not matter - he was a good lawyer. He made a deal for a misdemeanour, community service, and some curfews, etc. It was fair. That lawyer has moved on, and has a good reputation as a personal injuries lawyer.
I've had and seen good representation. Calling Legal Aid on Monday about a landlord problem. They are very good, and an extension of the local law school.:)
EDIT: "the clerk" meaning, the person that was robbed, not anyone from the court; and the youth had never been involved in crime.