:How dare you proclaim "your government and your God, like you own them. God is the God of all, not just you dubs.:Jesus say, "my God, my God, why have you forsaken me." I am only emulating him.
Uh, dearie, Jesus you ain't. If you truly wish to emulate him, why not go and crucify yourself. If that is too much to ask, try reading John 13:34, 35. When you can emulate that, come talk to me.
:And the Government? You dubs are quick to brag about your rights, freedoms and benefits, but are cowards when it comes to securing those very freedoms.:Pure Bovine Scatology.you know not what you talk about. jw have done mo than most to secure freedom and rights.
:I galls me no end to hear you hypoocrits claiming "YOUR GOVERNMENT," yet refuse to serve and help that government prosper or prevail in the ongoing battles for freedom.:Sorry, but you are standing right here in man's kingdoms like the rest of us. As you dubs teach, the Kingdom of God is in the heavens, not here on earth. Even the allegedly annointed are standing in man's kingdoms.My government is the kingdom of God. Now do you care to retract that ill-gotten statement?
So, no, I do not desire to retract anything, except maybe extracting my size nine boot out of your size 74 a**.