My sister recently went back to the witness religion and has a precious 4 year old boy. He is the most adorable little boy, as all children are at that age. I respect my sisters decision to go back to the religion, I cringe and don't like it but it's her decision to make. She needs the closeness with her family to be ok, and I get that. Well, I live a couple of hours from my sister and the rest of the family so I don't get to see my nephew that often. I called my sister and asked if I could take my nephew for 4 days to spend time with him, I even made sure that I picked him up the week after easter so I wouldn't offend the family (funny thing is he missed easter but he gets to go to a birthday party tomorrow!). Well, I was at the store with him today stocking up on candy and ice cream for the weekend. I love spoiling kids! I forgot about the witness no birthday thing, silly me I know, and I asked him if he wanted birthday cake ice cream. His response was immediately, 'We don't celebrate', very adamently. My heart sank...just one of those annoying reminders that there will be a time when my precious little nephew is going to worry about whether he should talk to me or whether I am going to die when the whole world gets killed except Jehovah's Witnesses. That an ice cream is what reminded me of that is pretty pathetic if you ask me. I know my sister doesn't judge me, and we don't talk religion because I don't want to offend and she doesn't want to offend but at times she says or does things that just make me want to scream...'ARE YOU INSANE, DO YOU NOT HEAR THE PSYCHO BABBLE COMING OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!'. She in passing mentioned that at the last couple assemblies there has been a talk about obeying the elders and trusting in god. Something about if an elder got up on stage and told them to leave the assembly and run to the mountains and forbade them to call family members to warn or pick up children or other family members on the way would they have the 'faith' to listen? Although I know my sister, she wouldn't listen to a single human being telling her to leave her son behind, but to even mention that statment and not immediately afterwards say how crazy it is just makes me shake my head in wonderment. Anyways, I almost bought a 50% off easter basket just to spite my crazy kool aid drinking sister. I ended up just getting him more candy though, that's what he requested and he has one of those can't say no to faces.
Birthday Cake Ice Ceam
by Pattytheperfectone 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yikes, they are really going off into crazytown. If someone tells you to obey them, no matter what they ask of you, the next step is drinking the kool-aid.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Governing Body, their Writing Committee, etc. are just putting unnecessary scare tactics out there. NOTHING is going to happen. There is NO Armageddon, God's Day of Vengenance, coming.
What is coming up in the very near future is the Governing Bodies move to their Lakeside Estate.
Really scared people are to afraid to run, or even to think straight. Then need help. Not abusive WT uneducated, help.
I hear you about your sweet little nephew, that you can hear him turning into a JW drone, right in front of your eyes.
I don't know how to handle the situation, from your side because I was a drone mom, teaching her children how to think and speak drone, too.
I am heartened to know that you are going to try.
PS I was around in the 1950's with Armageddon is right around the corner, scaring kids. I was around in the 1960's and 1970's with the "You must listen to us. The End is Nigh! You must obey and Pioneer or else you will be looked down upon as unfit association. How dare you think of "Higher Learning"!!! GB has spoken!".
Nothing has changed. I was used to Knorr and Freddy Franz, now it is a whole new bunch of idiots.
Take care and enjoy the time with your nephew.
Welcome Patty!
if an elder got up on stage and told them to leave the assembly and run to the mountains and forbade them to call family members to warn or pick up children or other family members on the way would they have the 'faith' to listen?
The fear mongering continues.
They do this ad-nauseum. All my life I've heard "Armageddon is coming soon" ... "imminently" ... "closer that the inside of your eyelids". Yeah... well, I'll be 51 years old this year and so far... Armageddon has not arrived. Fifty-one years ain't soon. The book of Revelation was written some 2000 years ago. That ain't soon either.
On a more positive note, my fave ice cream flavour is Baskin and Robbins Jamoca Almond Fudge. Yum! What's yours?
We were given that scenario back in the late 90s in a talk given by an ex-bethel bro. Except back then, we would be climbing the mountains to get away from government troops or something.
Now that no one has ever actually come after the jws, they are just training them to jump through hoops like little dogs at a circus to maintain CONTROL.
Rocky Road, Cookies & Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip...I love ice cream! :-)
Yes, dubbery sucks every bit of pleasure out of normal life.
I respect my sisters decision to go back to the religion
Of course, you can behave in a respectful manner, without feeling respect for a horrible choice that will ruin her and her innocent son's life, along with those they convert and their future generations. It could also kill all of those I mentioned.
Patty said: Rocky Road, Cookies & Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip...I love ice cream! :-)
Yeah....I love ice cream as well! I'm salivatin' here!
One of my little personal traditions is to get a Jamoca Almond Fudge Waffle Cone from Baskin and Robbins on my birthday. It gives me something to look forward to.
Last year, that sucker was $5.00! I think I should just buy a small tub this year.
Hi Patty and welcome. Your nephew sounds adorable. So sad that he is parroting the JW beliefs at four years old, it must break your heart. Remember though that at four kids do this, say whatever their parents tell them. At fifteen it might be a different story! Just be there for him, when he starts to rebel.
I've been out for 14 years but only accepted the wackiness and untruth of the religion 2 years ago after reading Crisis of Conscious (How I came across that book after so long out is kind of amusing). Until I read that book and started reading online I always felt a little guilty for celebrating holidays and birthdays. In fact for the first three years I actually celebrated holidays I ALWAYS got miserably sick when the holiday came around and I used to think it was Jehovah punishing me. I still don't make a big deal out of my birthday but my tradition of a quiet night at home with my husband cooking me dinner and eating an amazing Cold Stone ice cream birthday cake no longer has a single ounce of guilt attached to it!