Ok, I will weigh in on this one. From the moment I saw this, when it came thru as a story from JWSurvey, I could only shake my head and plant my palm firmly into my forehead. (sidepoint: every time I get an update from Cedar's website, I cringe a little before I open my email. I think to myself: what idiotic thing has WT done THIS WEEK? Who dreams this stuff up? It's getting to the point to where I am just embarrassed...)
Most of you have already parroted my exact thoughts on the matter, but there are several obvious things that occured to me almost instantly, that should seem VERY out of place to anyone with even one eye open (most of this has already been covered by you astute little students, but allow me the pleasure to re-address):
1. HOLY SPIRIT. As was mentioned, and shown very clearly by Blondie, HS is supposed to be the one doing all the appointing, or at least WAS according to WT, and all the old-but-fading light. Soooo, now the CO gets the magical HS wand? Or is HS going to guide and direct HIM alone, as he has the ultimate decision-making ability? (I personally NEVER bought the story that EVERY single appointment recommendation letter gets prayed over at headquarters, and HS helps the brothers stamp it or not. Just a quick lesson in mathematics tells you that it is almost impossible....)
2. DATABASE. In order for the CO to make sure to NOT appoint pedophiles, without sending the info to the branch for them to check, there will certainly HAVE to be a database for him to submit names to. Databases can be hacked. Carry on... Anyways, I digress. Think about this scenario... What's to stop a disgruntled, pissed off, pedophile, wife-beater, lying cheating no-gooder to just move to a different state? Then, he could "pretend" to be a bible study, start fresh, schmooze the locals and the CO, and within a few short years.... BAM. Appointment. No checking with "Mother", just the local HR Rep.
3. ABSOLUTE POWER.... corrupts absolutely. Sure, many, maybe even most brothers will do what they can, and will be as fair as possible. But the reality is this... if someone pads your palm with a wad of 20's, almost ANYONE, including you and I, would have an unconscious desire to think more of that person than the one who didnt. Get enough of that going on, and soon, very soon, the "responsibility", "priviledge", and "qualifying" of a title loses its credibility, even more than it already has. There is so much ass-kissing going on right now, that all this will seem as a "blessing" to those brothers who are trying so hard to kiss the shiny shoes of the CO. My current CO is an idiot. He is impersonal, lackluster, and has no education whatsoever (other than "spiritual"). His wife was made in the same mold. Dumb. Can't carry on a conversation on a personal level. Dresses like a ragdoll. Brother CO has a little gaggle of brothers that treat him like a king every time he visits, and I can almost guarantee which ones will be up for appointments next visit. It is just sickening to watch. None of them "qualify", but will no doubt get the blessing of the Holy Spirit. ugh.
4. LEGAL aspect. Yep, that crossed my mind too. Brother CO, you get the wonderful blessing and personal priviledge of EXTENDED responsibilities, YAYYYY! (watch out for the bus tires, 'cause you will be the first one to get one to the head if things go haywire)
Personally, it disgusts me. This arrangement, no matter what "refinements" and "further instruction" come later, is frought with disaster. And for the GB to say that it "comes from the scriptures" is just stupid. (I thought the previous arrangement was from the scriptures??) Every day they seem to make shit up, then find a scripture to twist and shoehorn in to back up their made-up shit. They keep reading a letter a week to the congregations, and these poor bastards' head's are just spinning! We know you can't keep up, but you all better get your act together, cause it's time for another invitation campaign!
Listen, Obey, and Be Blessed!
Jack Harper, Tech49