for those of you in the know, what would be the benefit the the WTS (the mother ship) by changing this arrangement. Would it allow for them to ensure that those who are appointed are in fact 'company men'?
Letter to BOE: Adjustment in process for appointing elders and ministerial servants
by pixel 143 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
ISOF isn't it so much easier to keep watch and tabs on those CO's than all the elders too? If they can carefuly watch the COs, and the CO's have SOOOOO much invested in the org, then it is more secure instead of less secure. The org still has control..
Plus, I agreee that it also creates a responsibilty liability on the CO. An agent of the org., yes, but given full authority to hire and fire, then it lessens liability for the org.
With this arrangement it would be next to impossible for a CO to have doubts and reduced activities. They would the fired. Comenay men hirig and watching over company men, watching for actions fo doubts in the elders, ready to fire quick and hire up another company man.
My Dad was pushed off as an elder because he wasn't doing enough for the Congregation (he'd stepped down from giving talks) by the Co. I think most would have let him off with this so it could be quite arbitrary.
Next step, of course, is to cut the ties between COs and the branch.
I think the removal of DO's was a big step in doing that.
I can't decide whether elders and MS numbers will go up or down as a result of this change. I know they are more desperate for men to "step forward", and my initial thought would be that removing the number of people involved in making the descision will mean numbers go up.
This could backfire though if the CO's start appointing men who the elders don't really like - it could really put the cat among the pidgeons in a way. You could see a lot more elders "stepping down" in fact.
So the regional director that visits the halls every 6 months (with a sub sometimes in there for good measure), is the one that will now hire new assistant managers to run the various shifts at the local store. Hiring and firing done with an HR rep, instead of by the store managers.
Doesn't seem smart to me....but when you are concerned about the level of individual you are attracting to the position.....I guess you make bad decisions.
On the good side, perhaps this is in response to those halls that need elders, have a few guys running the show, bt nobody under 55 is even looked at and there is a buddy or family system in place. On the bad side, its just one more consolidation of power.
Would not liability still be a problem for the Society for past lawsuits prior to the new arrangement?
with that much power given to the the CO they must have had to train them to wield it to their design. wait and SEE how that power is used. eventually there should emerge a warwick - designed class of ueber elders, detached from the local power personality dynamics.
Kool Jo
So will those who are being forced to "reach out" be given a break?
Kool Jo
I'm a tad confused.
Is the WTS trying to assert more control over the assets, finances, and policies of local congregations or less control?
It seems to me that more control would bring more potential liability, but less control would result in diminishment of the GB's hold over the R&F (which they'd hate)...