Improving your memory

by snare&racket 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • What is Truth?
    What is Truth?

    Hi Jon Preston, I am so glad you care enough about your children to want to work with them. Children are born genius, really. Just consider the amount of information they learn in the first 5 years of life, and there is much study on why this changes as they get older.

    So my suggestion for you to try with them is to sit down and design and exercise plan that will work for you and them. Focus on practicing recall using all the senses. Also, do so frequently anytime you are with them, wherever you are, rather than one long session. I like the TV show Psych, it well illustrates how parents can bring out their children’s natural talent. Just remember to keep it fun and you should avoid most of the hang ups. Here is a helpful article I found after a quick search play around with different methods and subjects for them, I am curious to know how far they can develop.

    Snare&racket, I haven’t heard that saying before. I like your book suggestions, will have to put on reading list.

    Great comments all, Peace

  • Fernando

    Has anyone had any benefit from or (neuroplasticity)?

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