Not long ago, there were comments on this topic. I cannot find it, I don't know what the actual thread was. I've checked back through the pages and done several searches, but don't know what the key words were, am coming up blank. Does anyone remember this and what the topic was? Thanks for any help.
Husband can sit in on wife's judicial committee meeting, but not other way around
by PaintedToeNail 14 Replies latest jw friends
Shepherd the Flock of God, page 84 (bold theirs, underlining added):
11. If the accused is a married sister, it is best to have her believing husband present for the hearing. He is her head, and his efforts to restore her and direct her can be very helpful. (1 Cor. 11 :3) If unusual circumstances are involved or the elders feel it would be best not to invite the husband because of their concerns for the safety of the wife, the elders should call the branch office.
12. If the accused is a married brother, his wife would normally not attend the hearing. However, if the husband wants his wife to be present, she may attend a portion of the hearing. The judicial committee should maintain confidentiality.Page 85 (bold and italics theirs, underlining added):
Meeting With Baptized Minors
14. It is best to meet with the youth and his Christian parents, since they have the responsibility to raise and train him. If the accused is living in the home of his believing parents but is no longer a minor, the elders would not generally invite the parents to the hearing. However, if the accused living in his parents' home has recently become an adult and the parents ask to be present and the accused has no objection, the judicial committee may decide to allow them to attend a portion of the hearing.Page 90 (bold theirs, underlining added):
3. Hear only those witnesses who have relevant testimony regarding the alleged wrongdoing. Those who intend to testify only about the character of the accused should not be allowed to do so. The witnesses should not hear details and testimony of other witnesses. Observers should not be present for moral support. Recording devices shonld not be allowed.
I used "husband, wife, judicial committe" in search on JWN.
Apostate & Ex-Jehovalarious Meme Collection -
breakfast of champions
WATCHTOWERFREE - you haven't been keeping up on your WT study editions:
"All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not."
Band on the Run
Those quotes infuriate me. I cannot understand how nonborn-in women convert to a religion in which they have no value. There is something fundamentally flawed about feminism if women join the religion today.
So the husband can hear all about the wife's "sins", but the wife gets no right to hear of her husbands "sins"???
Yep, that sound so balanced....NOT