What are your turn offs in a guy or girl?

by Iamallcool 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    A long list of turn-offs!

    Screw their negativity!

    Turn off probably isn't the best way to put it. You aren't interested in every person you meet, as a romantic interest. Why? You have your reasons. All of us are attracted by certain things. We don't have to list what attracts us and doesn't attract us. We just know when we meet someone whether there is any attraction.

    I recommend not writing someone off over a nose piercing though. Some of the most stable, established people I know have nostril piercings. If you're just looking for a sexual conquest, though, I suppose that if a nose piercing turns you off, then it matters.

  • Oubliette

    Physical: bad hygience or anything else that betrays poor self-image

    Personality: neediness on one extreme, arrogance and/or general bitchiness on the other

  • villagegirl

    bad hygiene/ messy grooming

    pettiness, lack of compassion and empathy

    lack of ambition or drive to better himself/ lack of vision or life plans and goals

    lack of ability to manage money

    lack of chemistry

    lack of appreciation and respect for the feminine gender, including buying into stereotypes,

    Flying High - You got it so right - why do men think their farts are funny ?

    or their beer bellies, or lack of education they think makes them cool.

    Hygiene - soap and water guys, every day - all over your body - do it.

    Lack of ability to love anyone with commitment, to appreciate children,

    to help keep their own environment clean and orderly, to be industrious

    and develop real skills. Men who think their lives will be an endless flow

    of available women and who age terribily and end up alone and don't know why.

    Stupid men, who can't carry on a converstation about anything outside sports.

    He can be a muscle man who works out every day, but if he is a liar, a loafer,

    a manipulative taker, he is repulsive. Men will forego all of the above if he thinks

    she's "hot". These guys end up with wives who spend all their money and spend

    all their time on themselves and expect to be "taken care of" in every facet of their life.

  • NewYork44M

    The unwillingness to provide the last three year tax returns and agree to a credit and criminal background check would be a great turn-off.

    If I was looking (I hope I never am in that position), but if I was, this would be a baseline requirement of any long-term committment.

  • FlyingHighNow

    The unwillingness to provide the last three year tax returns and agree to a credit and criminal background check would be a great turn-off.

    If I was looking (I hope I never am in that position), but if I was, this would be a baseline requirement of any long-term committment.

    Watch enough of Snapped and shows like it and that will show the need for both of the above. I find that if you speak with people long enough, you can figure out red flags without the need for credit or background checks. People reveal a lot if you give them enough rope and time.

  • NewYork44M

    I have taught accounting a university for several years and always try to explain to my students that a marriage is a financial and economic bond. If you end up with a spend thrift that person can destroy your future. However, if you marry someone who has the same financial goals you have there is no end to the potential of your success.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I have taught accounting a university for several years and always try to explain to my students that a marriage is a financial and economic bond. If you end up with a spend thrift that person can destroy your future. However, if you marry someone who has the same financial goals you have there is no end to the potential of your success.

    I look at whether someone manages his finances, as very important. When my second husband bluffed me with threats of divorce, I hired a lawyer. Why? For many reasons, but one of the biggest was his lack of respect for money, managing it, not realizing the need for savings and more. He could earn money, no problem there, but he blew every penny he made and had little to show for it. I can't live like that.

  • joyfulfader

    Like FHN, I am at an age of where I know what I want and what I do not. I find that men say they want independent and intelligent women but when actually presented with one, they quickly realize they prefer the more passive woman.

    My turn offs would have to be (in no particular order):

    Poor grammar

    Bad teeth

    Poor manners

    Shallow/self absorbed





    No sense of humor

    I don't throw lack of chemistry in there because that is so subjective. I have found myself attracted to someone unexpectedly while repulsed by another who, under strictly objective criteria, would normally be attractive.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Chemistry, if there is going to be a romance, is an absolute must for me. But, there has to be a lot more than just chemistry.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Smoking, excessive drinking, not being circumcised, not being in a similar financial situation, not willing to try new things.

    I'm 37 and do not, under any circumstances, want more children. I'm ready to travel and work on my Masters. The last few men that were interested in me wanted to have children. It's an immediate deal breaker.

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