As current Witnesses, ex-JW's, believers, non believers. The topic of what truth is, has been the dominating thought and motivation to many of us here.
A question that has lingered since the dawn of our consciousness and it will stay as long as the human race is around.
I remember a short story of a man who visited a store where he could buy any type of truths.
The seller asked him, what kind of truth did he want?
The buyer asked with a confused look, how can you ask me what kind of truth do I want? I WANT NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH! he exclaimed. How can you say you have different truths?
The seller explained that many people like to hold on to half truths, truths that make you feel happy, truths that can comfort you, but the REAL TRUTH nobody wanted it.
Because the TRUTH is lonely, hard, difficult to accept, and tasteless. It truly does not discriminate. Do you still want it? He asked...
The buyer then thought for a moment... and then simply opted for half the truth, a truth that will not shatter his hopes and dreams completely.
So do you think is worth it to break away from your family when you stop believing in God, the WT or any other cult mentality? Don't forget that "the truth, and nothing but the truth" it is not comforting, nice or loving.
The truth about life is harsh but liberating. It is heart wrenching, but rewarding. It will cause you to lose it all, but gain everything.
What version of the truth will you select?
Is it science?
Is it religion?
Is it family?
Is it prestige and power?
It is all on you...