Let's wait and see what she/he says about it. Just like we did with yoyoMama, eh?
Hilda Partaking From The table of Demons
by Guest 77 12 Replies latest jw friends
: Has anyone figured out what Hilda's pretend nationality is?
Yes. Neanderthal, but it's no pretense.
Whoever Hilda is you can bet she was a loser as a JW!
This person could never match up to what a true dub should be.No RESPECTABLE dub would ever talk in the matter she does.
She's just a outcast who has few friend's because of her poor personality who has found a place to get attention and not feel threatened here.
Many dubs are of this nature because they are destined to be trol-like in their behavior. Her parents may have had the same nature......right Hilda?????