Is my clinging on to a belief in a Creator doing me any harm?

by KateWild 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FlyingHighNow

    Kate, one of the kids in Julian's circle took his life a week ago Saturday. He was diabetic and tired of living his life with it. He was deeply depressed. One of the things he did was to overdose himself on insulin. I was doing some research about how an overdose of insulin kills someone. I came across this article and I think you will find it interesting, especially the ending paragraphs. I'm not giving an opinion, either way on it. I just found it an informative article and view of things.

  • KateWild

    DD, thanks for the song. Good motivational lyrics. DD, you need to get out theis cult don't you? Thanks for all your posts they have always helped me, it's time to help yourself and your family now. Kate xx

  • OnTheWayOut

    I wanted to answer before I read 4 pages of other thoughts to give my gut reaction.

    Despite my firm thoughts on the matter, I get that people will have different thoughts on "evidence of a creator." If, philosophically, they cling to just a belief in a creator, I see no real harm in that.

    But if they say that the creator communicates with them, yet there is no evidence of that, they may need professional help. If they say that the creator is all-wise, omnibenevolent, all-knowing- well, I definitely have a problem with that "omnibenevolent" part. I hate when people are sure it's all part of "God's plan" (or whatever term they want) for children to suffer anguish and painful lives and miserable deaths or that we must "find the truth" amongst all the false religions and please this silent God by knowing what He wants.

    After finding out that Watchtower is a bunch of lies that hurts the family and the individuals, it is no wonder that people stop praying or turning to God. While the scientific answers don't NEED a God, they still don't absolutely rule out some mind behind creation, but it would seem to be more of a God that has started out creation then left it to itself.

    My personal feelings (granted, as a totally "sold" atheist) is that IF there is a "God" out there, and IF He is anything close to what is taught about Him being understanding, then He would understand that we gave our all and were burned and we won't get fooled again. Live a good life and don't hurt others deliberately. If that isn't good enough for "God," then let Him call me/you/us and say what else we need to do. He knows how to find us.

    The long and short is that belief can hurt a person, depending on what they do with that belief- such as blindly following old men from Brooklyn. But it's okay if you keep your wits and watch your steps.

  • LisaRose

    I suspect that your beliefs are still evolving. It takes time to become brainwashed into a cult, it will take time for you to get to a place of acceptance and certainty about these issues. Don't rush it, it's a path you have to go down at your own pace. Be open to the possibilities. I find that rejecting the belief in a creator to be very freeing and has made me a happier person, you may find that such a belief makes you a happier person. I am all for what works.


    Thanks Kate. I know the misses pretty well and the Org may have to go down in flames before she gives in. She is stubborn like that. Another decade or so and our parents could be gone. In the meantime I am going to plan for the future by changing jobs and working hard to plan for retirement. When the time is right I will tell TTATT to my kid. I just have to be patient, otherwise the BORG will destroy my family with zero remorse. The next year is a key part of my nefarious scheme! MUAHAHHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAAHAHA!!!


  • confusedandalone

    Kate if I may ask this question... and please do not get mad.

    Why do you care if there is a GOD if the individual obviously does not care about your day to day activities sufferings or that of your family. Not being mean here, I would just really like to hear your reason

  • done4good


    I have not read through this thread yet, but the short answer is no.

    The important thing to remember is that it takes time to develop a belief system, once one has been lost. Since we do not live in a vacuum, we cannot expect certain preconcieved notions to just exit our conciousness, as if they never existed. In other words, if as a JW you were a believer, you will likely continue to be for at least some time after you leave. That is perfectly normal. When you add to that the very black and white thinking that comes with the territory of having been a JW, (another artifact of our mind that does not simply disappear when we leave), we are easy prey to want to adopt another belief system too quickly. Do not allow that to happen, and do not be too hard on yourself.

    As you go through your own journey, things will become more clear.


  • cofty

    Its pointless to try to tell yourself what you ought to believe. Be authentic.

    You can only observe what your beliefs are and acknowledge them as they evolve.

  • sammielee24

    If believers beliefs are personal why is it they feel impelled to foist them on others?


    Not all do and in reality, that comment can be applied equally to those that do not believe. There are a great many people who do not profess a belief in a God but neither do they profess a belief in no God. They don't push anything on anybody - they often have a personal relationship with their belief that they simply live with.

  • Giordano

    Kate clinging to a belief in a creator is not going to do you any harm. Your on a journey and having god along might just make your journey a little easier.......for you.

    With others who have left the WT but hold on to a bit of god for a while..... I wonder if that just means it's like having training wheels while they learn to ride a bike. It keeps things stable until you get the hang of it. Of course someone that rides a big boy motorcycle might also prefer a side car attached for the same reasons.... and/or so god can ride along.This non believing Atheist says to each their own and godspeed!

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