JW.ORG signs to be put on all Kingdom Halls! New directive.

by stuckinarut2 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Syme

    Blondie, you quoted some directives which you well know that can easily be discarded and replaced with new ones. In fact, this happens all the time. "This letter to BOE replaces the previous letter of dd/mm/yy. The previous letter should be removed from the cong's archive and be destroyed" ---> This is the most usual opening line of a BOE letter!

    So, yes, I think nothing is impossible for the G7; the jw.borg logo in front of KHs is a very possible scenario.

    Run away while you still have time...

  • Watkins

    Their advertisement of the website still boggles my mind. It took them a couple of decades to get with the times, but when I was 'in' the internet was demonized and such a no-no, even for Bible research. :/

    I can only hope that people's web searches don't stop at jw.org.


  • steve2

    I only bet when it looks like I'm gonna win. I've developed some misgivings about my chances on this one. Can I get back to you?

  • bigmac
  • Splash

    Won't this constitute idolatry?


  • stuckinarut2

    I will post a pic (if I can work out how) as soon as ours is installed...

    Although, that will give my location away I guess??

  • stuckinarut2


    so, our Kingdom Hall now has the jw.org logo on a sign at the front of the hall!

    i wish I knew how to upload a picture....so you will have to take my word for it all....

  • berrygerry

    Just post it somewhere and then post the link.

  • AlphaMan

    Another sign of the hypocrisy of the JW religion. 20 years ago you didn't even let it be known to others in the KH that you had internet at home. I remember the Watchtower illustration of the computer cord that looked like a serpent. Crazy cult....just another thing that they were wrong about.

  • Finkelstein

    Quite true AlphaMan, back in the mid 80's the WTS. put information in the Awake demeaning the use of computers, even quoting Scripture

    something to do with building a tower for oneself.

    I was astonished by reading that but realizing how ignorant and corrupt the WTS. was, perhaps not totally surprised.

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