All appointed men are being told they have to pioneer now!

by stuckinarut2 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    Exactly Cyrus!

    Well, I suppose we can "just trust in jehovah" who will pay our bills for us and keep our jobs in place until we finish in the great service activity?

  • DesirousOfChange

    Sounds like the perfect way to begin a "fade".

    "I'm so, so sorry, Brothers, but I just CANNOT keep that kind of schedule considering the needs of my family right now, so I think it OBLIGATES me to resign."

    or, put not so politely: KISS MY ASS.


  • AnnOMaly

    Don't forget, Cyrus, there is the Pioneer Liteā„¢ option so there shouldn't be any excuse!

  • hoser

    This was being done for years already but this just makes it official.


    I believe you, but I have to see that letter. Do they spout nonsense about "taking the lead?" They are getting more like Scientology, forcing people to work. They just aren't ask cool as Scientologists. Really, it can't be THAT bad. You just need 30 hrs, which really means 15, because you can BS the rest. Also, the END is so close now. How many times will you have to pioneer, 2 or 3?!?!


  • eby

    What is considered a "special" campaign month?

  • stuckinarut2

    I love it data dog!

    true, I will only have to fake it for short time till the end of the system when the loving god kills everyone who doesn't listen to the life saving message.

    So, its just "around the corner" ...right??

  • hoser

    Special campaign month would be co visit twice per year. It would also be memorial season district convention season and usually there is one in the fall.

  • NewYork44M

    I remember once our PO said something to the effect that all elders must poineer. This was the month of the memorial. I think most elders did poineer. I did not and was never talked to about my not pioneering.

  • shopaholic

    I remember them doing something like this in the past. All of the elders in my hall panicked until the CO said they could be excused from it by the PO (as it was called then). Ministerial servants could not be excused. The PO excused all the elders including himself.

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