"I was very nearly trapped beyond hope of regaining freedom, in one
of Satan's most successful devices, viz., Spiritism. I was induced
to purchase a "ouija" board, "just for amusement"; but
I dare say that that "amusement" almost cost me my "crown."
I spent all my spare time in operating the "board," and
became so skilled in its manipulation that it would perform
rather difficult feats with the least solicitation. ... I can easily see that Satan,
all his might to get me more firmly into his clutches. My good morals were
not entirely destroyed, however, and the adversary, knowing
this, advised me not to neglect my brethren or my Bible. I
then asked whether the Dawns are a correct interpretation
of God's Word. To this the reply came, "Yes; the Dawns are
correct, not only in doctrine, but in chronology as well." I
then asked by what power the board was operated. It answered,
"By evil, spirit power." It further confessed to me
that the spirits who operate the board have no other mission
than to hinder all of the Lord's people. It further stated that
they took "special delight in buffeting, hindering and endeavoring
to ensnare Brother Russell and his co-laborers at the Bethel Home".
- The Watch Tower May 1, 1912 pg 5024
LOL !!
The demons "have no other mission than to hinder all of the Lord's people"....so they send them to the Watchtower Organization!