Para 19 of today's WT had a good rant about the dangers of the internet. A footnote directs us to an article in the WT Aug 15 2011. This said in part
"Be critical and suspicious of the information. Before trusting it, ask:
(1) Who published this material? What are the author’s credentials?
(2) Why was this published? What motivated the writer? Is there any bias?
(3) Where did the author get the information? Does he supply sources that can be checked?
(4) Is the information current?"
This is surely sound advice. I found it whilst drilling down with my iPad bored out of my skull during the WT study. I wish I had been quick enough to put it into an answer.
Start applying this to the material you read from the font of all misinformation and propagander. It would be great if we ever got an honest quote.