And.... I'd like to add "mis dos".
In my opinion, the easiest way the Catholic Church has have it handling the scandal, it's the fact that when the Cardinals were summoned to Rome, the media gave us plenty of information of who were each and everyone of them: names, where they were coming from, their past assignments and the 'whole enchilada'.
It is a shame BIG TIME the GB's 'SECRETIVENESS' regarding names and stuff... wouldn't be a dream if the media could pin point at each member? After all, they are the responsible ones. Am I in a right track?
Remember, I'm not an expert on Jeohavaism. :-) please, don't laugh if I said something stupid. I think about that all the time... I know you must know their names, but aren't you a minority? or would Dateline have that information? Just like Cardinal Law, Cardinal Mahony, and so forth the rest of the Cardinals? I would like to see the skeletons out of their caves; I picture them like TWELVE Osama bin Ladens. To me, they are witches. I don't want to offend anyone, but the WT stuff crip the hell out me. ( I don't know how to spell 'crip') The GB are weird and I can't imagine how in the world the bethelites deal with them? I imagine Bethel like a ghost place. But I have to admit I'm afraid, so afraid... for instance, when I have gone to my daughter's KH.. and another one I visited with her when we went to Seattle, I got scare of people's faces.. maybe it's the lighting that does not help; or the lack of windows on the hall, who knows? That is why I beg you, do not laugh at me tonight.
On the other hand, the ones I'm acustomed to see around my daughter and I have learned to love as my friends... I don't see them like that at all... but the others look really weird to me at the KH. It may be my problem, but I'm been honest here. Love,