The $3.4 million money probably went to the Watchtower Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.
New Atlanta Assembly Hall Has raised 3.4 million Dollars... GONE
by James Jackson 43 Replies latest jw friends
It is going to be very interesting. Generally, I don't think the actual implications of the letter have sunk in with most elders. They don't understand it. When they do, though, it is going to be intense. A subset of elders will be livid and will passively-agressively fight the directive, others will just comply. Publishers really don't care anymore about any of it and with a few exceptions will just keep on trucking becuase it doesn't affect them personally other than having to fill out yet another financial survey.
What will also be interesting is to see how the funds are used. It will tell us a great deal about how much of a real cash flow issue the organization is having. Personally, I believe most of the money is going to disappear and there will be very little building in the field, regardless of the heavy needs right now. I think the organization is having such a huge cash flow issue right now they need this just to stay afloat. And I think this is the case regardless of any litigation judgements or settlements. The contributions have just dried up for reasons of the economy being truly horrible and, more importantly, people inside the organization are just so beat down that they do not want to contribute any more.
I agree with everything CommitteeChairman said.
What I will follow with interest is whether cash-flow troubles will necessitate a change in the religion's views on higher education. How can you expect to sustain your organization when your members aspire to be window washers, or in the parlance of today's political conservatives, "takers?"
My sister's hall is sitting on well over a half-million dollars in cash they have put away for a long-needed renovation. (It would cover the renovation in its entirety.) After being put off by the RBC over and over again, they were just told that they would have to wait another TWO YEARS.
How much do you want to bet that half-mill will now go to the WTS, after May 1, and then when the renovation actually happens in 2016, suddenly everyone will forget about that money and be "so grateful" that WTS steps in, writes a check for the entire cost of the renovation and then the congregation is on the hook for a hefty never-ending monthly mortgage payment voluntary donation to the WTS?
The letter directs bodies of elders to remit all of this to the Worldwide work and not hold it locally. You better believe that a combination or RBC/LDC, CO, and branch office staff will be on congregations like crazy to conform. The same thing happened a few years ago when the congregations were told to put their excess funds "on deposit" with the branch office. RBCs and COs enforced this "suggestion "vigorously" and congregations finally complied.
Doubting Bro
The cash flow situation must be far worse than I had imagined. I agree that building work is just the premises to get the funds in the door but that RBCs will likely be directed to slow it down (at least here in the US). I really wonder if this isn't just the first step in a tithing sort of arrangement.
This thing looks like a communist theft of resources that will leave the Society broke once the friends figure out they're being cheated. It's too bad they aren't sued for malfeasance or misappropriation of funds.
Projects will be projected out in time or cancelled without notice.
The quiet disclosure of this nonsense may have a profoundly negative effect on all contributions AND the general credibility of the GB.
One of my former pastor's favorite verses is Proverbs 14:4:
"Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox."
In other words, churches are messy. But an active church with all sorts of messy activity going on, is a thriving church. I am reminded of this verse in the WTS's cash grab. They are not generating new sources of income. This is a one-time cash grab and once that money is gone, it's gone.
If congregation members are disaffected to such a degree that the giving is drying up, you don't start milking the meagre flock! It's time to invest in the people! A few Caleb cut-outs is not going to do it.
I dearly hope the WTS is not listening in on my advice....
Hmm I wonder if the Third World congregations are also being "forced" to donate too...
Screw the fools that thought they were investing money into a new ass-sembly hall for themselves to enjoy down in Atlanta. Air conditioning, comfortable seating, state-of-the-art-sound-system. Too bad! How about all their fellow witnesses that invested, not only a lot of money, but a LIFE TIME into the wtbts only to realize that they also were fooled! One can re-earn money but life spent is--well, another story.
just saying!