and it makes total sense, get the people to use their own paper and ink rather than having it provided.
Electronic KMs Now Being Provided By Org to R&F?
by pronomono 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
Gypsy Sam
Isn't the current KM what one of the JW dating sites uses as a question to login? For example, they ask a simple question for the current KM that you have to type in for access.
The MS in my congregation passes the electronic forms out to us by email. It's been like that for a while now. Of course, I get them much quicker and earlier on this site ;P
They have had a letter about it George. Anyone who is entitled to a paper copy can ask for one. They don't want the R&F to know 'cos it's yet more work.
I found Atlantis and this site looking for a KM. Too late WT morons!
Slidin Fast
In our cong this is being used as an "incrowd" priviledge. To get this on your tablet is another form of one upmanship. This is another way in which those who have the permissions can dominate the r & f and make them feel inferior.
rip van winkle
Also found my way here via google search for KM!!!
You gotta love that the eldubs arrogance or laziness has led so many to TTATT!
Knowledge is power. Elders thrive on the power they retain by keeping others in the dark. The "secret knowledge" of elders -- the books and letters only they see -- is the Watch Tower Society's version of Viagra.
Who has access to Throws " Our Kingdom Ministry " in Russian , please!