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What Are The Best Threads Here On JWN?
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
I enjoy actual info that proves the Watchtower is wrong. i like facts. Some posters know the inner working of the Society and love insider information.
anything that deals with the BIG Questions, the HOWS, the WHYs the cofties, Snare& Rackets.
I like what the quotes above refer to. I'm still trying to find answers to the big questions.
I like the following:
- JW breaking news, latest scoop, analysis, inside info, predictions & speculations on org future, etc
- JW history: Russell, Rutherford, Knorr & Freddie, Ray Franz, Ed Dunlap, etc
- evolution vs creation, existence of God, etc
- Bible analysis: archaeology, accuracy, doctrine, canon, etc
- book recommendations like Bart Ehrman, Elaine Pagels, Ray Franz, etc
I'm extremely interested in what's going to happen to the org and its motives for doing what it does. I'm also still processing TTATT, so I like anything related to those subjects.
The minimouse threads, of course.
Ditto Magnum's 1st corky dot, also Data-dog's wit especially the parody of the 'ole KH favorite song, We're J Witnesses ("Once there was a guy named Chuck"...cracks me up every time) and Outlaw's memes are classic.
Blondie's scholarship, she would be a great elder, why to be able to quote the publications like that, chapter and verse.
All Satanus threads
Would agree with Blondie, jgnat and lost sheep, but would add Mary, things that Leolia had posted in the past (I miss that deep scholarship). There are a lot of great archives here, but the challenge is the WTS changes so quickly some of the historical stuff on here is 'out of date'! Also AndersonsInfo due to the great insight into the society.
I also appreciate anyone who has been in a leadership position in the organization when they post, I find the inner workings quite fascinating, bizzare and often unethical! Thanks to all who make this site very informative and interesting!
Newby posts and experiences. I love Data dog, Outlaw, Confusedandalones, Wizards, inputs and many others, especially funny ones. I love JGnat and flipper for their kind, caring posts.
I loved the topic of the KISS method for counting 587, It's simple and really shows the stretch of the current 1914 understanding. That post has really changed my life.
I like most posts, there's such a variety. I think I especially like the posts from those that are still 'stuckin' as I feel a kind of kinship I guess. Being helped over what to say and what not to say, how and when to say it. How to fade successfully. How to wake up family and friends successfully. Also the 'leaks' of info. Those who are courageous enough to do it and pass it on. It helps me keep a step ahead and know what's coming up and what to expect!
I miss Farkel. His threads were common sense proofs that the Watchtower was pure bs.