..and why animals that kill and eat other animals....and why sharks...and why venemous snakes etc....and piranhas?...etc etc....all killing machines...designed by a ..loving god...whose creations reflect his loving personality..? really?...
Why did God/Jehovah/Jesus create Viruses and bacteria that can kill humans and animals?
by Jon Preston 63 Replies latest jw friends
I think I answered it Jon Preston.
Speaking of viruses a woman with a brain tumor has been treated with a modified polio virus. Duke University.
Maybe because the god that created with organic matter is a flawed stupid evil god.
Bacteria are hardworking little buggers. Would life even be possible without bacteria?
It's all about the balance between the helpful and the harmful, is'nt it?
Seraphim - I don't agree that God "Made" Darkness,Evil or Death.
You should try knowing the Bible. Isaiah 45:7: I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
The discussion is only in danger of dying because the unbelievers won't like the answer to the question they asked.
Not quite, we reject the unsubstantiated, incorrect, untestable and contradictory myths and woo presented as if they were answers.
I don't get it?
You answer one poster with a scripture and then deny another because it uses a scripture.
I don't get it?
You answer one poster with a scripture and then deny another because it uses a scripture.
What don't you get?
The Scotsman
He didn't.... simple.
I am interested in Permaculture and sustainability. My research has taught me the following:
Without the cycle of death there would be no cycle of life. Something must die so that something else is nourished. Organic matter must die in order to feed the soil. All life relies on this.
Jon Preston
Yel you andwered it seraphim, god created evolution and the weather and death and evil....woops yet hes a loving God, has all the power to stop it yet doesnt....hmmm. Yet wants us to be something even he cant be.....