new poster

by stirred but not shaken 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stirred but not shaken
    stirred but not shaken

    Havn't been able to post . How do I do it?

  • AudeSapere

    This post went thru. Why don't you add a reply and tell us what's on your mind??


  • make yourself
    make yourself

    you did it yay!!!! Hello :)

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    "Houston... We have lift off!"

    LL (not Bean)

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome stirred but not shaken, Just type in the box at the bottom of this webpage between "Post a reply", and the "Submit" and "Cancel" buttons. When you are done, press the "Submit" or "Cancell" buttons. You will have about 30 minutes to edit your post before it cannot be changed by pressing the pencil icon on the far right of your comment.

    Without writing too much details, what is your story? What inspired you to join?

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • happy@last


  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Welcome along!

  • Heaven

    Welcome to JWN, stirred. Your posting worked. I like your user name.

  • Ding


  • stirred but not shaken
    stirred but not shaken

    I must be dense. So...I logged on clicked on my user name and clicked on "send message" to start my intro. Apparently the message went from me to me, as it didn't appear on the forum. Not too savvy about this sort of thing. What should I click on to post the message?

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