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JWs under scrutiny in Finland
by Mickey mouse 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Rufus T. Firefly
Incredible! Thanks for posting this!
Interestesting article. There are a couple of errors and they are significant. For example, regarding reinstatement, the article said:
"The aim of shunning is to persuade offenders to return to the flock, but those who do so must then undergo a humiliating repentance exercise which involves attending services twice weekly for a month without being greeted by congregation members."
It's pretty rare for a person to be reinstated in only a month. Many people must go through the "humiliating repentance exercise" for a year or more.
In some cases offenders have suffered severe health problems or even attempted suicide.
In some cases, way too many in fact, "offenders" have actually committed suicide!
Even when reinstated restrctions can continue for some time.
It's a truly horrible practice, and when you see it described by an outsider it makes me wonder how I ever condoned it.
And is attempted suicide really viewed as "is adequate expression of regret" not requiring a judicial committee? Alas, probably not.
Londo: And is attempted suicide really viewed as "is adequate expression of regret" not requiring a judicial committee?
Yes it IS considered an "adequate" expression of regret; successful suicides, however, are considered by a JW Judicial Committee to be a superior expression of regret!
C'mon you underachievers, let's not take any half-measures. Show us you are really, really sorry you made Jehovah sad.
The Watchtower denies "freedom of religion" and "freedom of expression" and "freedom of association" and "freedom of conscience" to current and former members.
At the same time it hypocritically goes to great lengths to secure these same rights for its religious hierarchy or clergy class.
FatFreek 2005
I don't get it. If a person attempts suicide and is unsuccessful, that person is awarded some concessions in regard to his disfellowshipping.
On the other hand, if he/she (in good standing) is successful (and dies) then his funeral service at a Kingdom Hall and conducted by an elder becomes questionable.
"What, then, should be the attitude of members of a Christian congregation as to attending funerals of reported suicides who may have been associated with the congregation? What about an elder who has received a request to conduct such a funeral? Where death appears to have been accidental, even though it was reported as a suicide or may have involved mental illness, the consciences of some members of the congregation may permit them to attend the funeral to comfort the bereaved ones. Also, it is left up to the personal decision of an elder whether he will conduct such a funeral upon request. However, the congregation may prefer not to sponsor such a funeral publicly or to have it in the Kingdom Hall because of the effect it may have on the uninformed community.
On the other hand, where it is a clearly established suicide, members of the congregation and elders may desire not to become involved in the funeral. In such cases arrangements would be left to the family itself for a private funeral where some member of the household might say a few words for the sake of the relatives."The Watchtower, 1975 7/15 pp. 447-448 Questions From ReadersCult behavior is written all over it.
Len Miller
I actually laughed out loud at this bit, so true:
According to the UUT report Jehovah’s Witnesses are suspicious of higher education so elders are not well-educated. The organisation said that this may be the reason why elders do not fully understand the consequences of expulsion and shunning
This is how to actually fight the watchtower. I would love to see the WT in the United States taken to court over civil rights violations. Private organization have the right to expel members. However JWs go too far. They use coercion And pressure to destroy family bonds. Ex members should not be subject to such harsh consequences.