They are i- Pad Nutty Now

by Poztate 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rrb2016

    Tablets at the meetings are the best. I have been taking my Step-Daughter to the meetings, as she is trying to get reinstated so she can associate freely with her Dad and Grandma. I just enable my wi-fi hotspot from my cell and I am surfing the net on the iPad during the meeting. I usually spend my time at JWN or FB. LOL. When the nosy microphone wrangler comes by and snoops, I don't care. I've never been baptized and know it is all bull, since I read Kingdom of the Cults when I was 18, nearly 30 years ago.

  • Fernando

    Actually using the search facility of the Watchtower library is what led to my exit.

    Tech savvy dubbies may not be such a bad thing...

  • Pistoff


    "Actually using the search facility of the Watchtower library is what led to my exit."

    Agree, many will lose the fear of an overall search and stumble on real scholarship.

    It puts 'apostate' ideas and higher criticism of the bible text right in their laps, where decades ago it was only available at libraries or universities.

  • lrkr

    just wait till they find out you can go on JWN on those things!!! and the porn- oh the porn!

  • wannabefree

    I just thought about something. What happens when the battery goes dead at the meeting? Have they addressed this? Just wondered because my wife studied on her pad and forgot to plug it in last night to charge. I told her she'll have to sit against the wall near an outlet.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I remember when they made the switch to ipads and said most stuff would now be online. I was still a jw at the time, but I remember thinking about how this move would marginalize all those jws in very poor countries who don't have running water, let alone ipads.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Julie Orwell, good point, and also being on line at a householders door can be a big exspence for some.

  • Heartofaboy

    So the internet is not the Devil's tool anymore??

    This must be 'New Light'.

    Praise Be.

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