Snare&racket, your post nails it, I think. It pretty much says exactlywhat I was going to say. I only have a little more to add...
shep said:
I was starting to get the sense of an angry mob emerging from the online XJW community.
It would be pretty weird if there was NOT a pretty substantial amount of anger among some of the thousands of different people who are exjw.
The Jehovah's Witnesses take people's parents, children, grandparents....forever! It's like your whole family died!
The reality is that thousands of different people in pain will react in thousands of different ways. That’s normal.
Anger is a stage of grief. One can’t expect that that stage be skipped or that nobody expresses that anger and frustration in ways that put off JWs. Some people are bound to confront JWs on the street, make angry videos expressing themselves, or even disrupt meetings in protest. And some people will not do these things and will work through their anger and frustration other ways. All of this is normal.
But you can’t expect all ex-jws to live their lives around what makes JWs comfortable, and there is no reason to judge those who don’t live their lives that way, or those who are passing through an ‘anger’ stage of their recovery.
It is only the Jehovah's Witnesses who think a ‘happy person’ = ‘good person.’ It is Jehovah’s Witnesses who are required to walk around with fake smiles plastered on their face all the time in order to ‘make a good witness.’
That’s NOT normal.
And if anyone thinks that getting all exjws to be sweet and kind all the time is going to bring the WT down…its never going to happen because thousands of exjws are not robots. So you might as well move on to plan B.