I know its very common for jws and ex jws to deal with depression. Maybe it's a side effect of cognitive dissonance or the whole outlook on life being a jw. But what are some ways to cope with depression? Because right now I just feel very drained mentally and emotionally. Sometimes I feel like I'm at my wits end.
How to cope with depression?
by make yourself 25 Replies latest watchtower medical
Coping is something that Witnesses do.
A more energetic response is to get help. I am a big believer in short-term medical assistance to overcome depression. Untreated, this can be debilitating. See what your family doctor says. If it is general malaise from turning your life upside down, you may not need medication. But there's no shame if you need it.
make yourself
I feel like depression can definently be situational depending on the overall circumstances.
Remove yourself from the situation and the feelings should dissipate.
I am not a natural depressive. But when things got really bad I went to see my doctor. He asked what I wanted and I meekly asked if I could have a week off?
make yourself
Depression is something that runs in my family. Hopefully it's something that will get straightened out and improve overtime.
First determine that depression does not have a physical component. Seek out a therapist you can talk to comfortably about the challenges in life you are facing. Find a support group if possible in your area.
I go to a support group and found a woman who had grown up in a even more oppressive religious group, the Exclusive Brethren. She has been out for ten years but is still dealing with feelings from that experience. We have compared our experiences and they are very similar.
If you have clinical mental problems getting drugs probably would help(there are multiple drugs so if one doesn't help another might). There are some promising drugless therapies being tried such as magnetics and deep mind stimulation you might want to research.
I don't know how bad your mental condition is but finding out if it's serious or not by talking to a professional might be a good step.
Otherwise. Exercise, cut fast food out, eat healthy and drink water. Make sure you get your electrolytes in with things like ultima replenisher.
Avoid canned food and anything with BPA or similar in things such as canned food, or clear tupperware. The less pollution the better you'll feel although you might feel terrible if you try a juice detox diet which might release too much toxins at once - better to go gradual on that.
Mentally if something is too stressful stop thinking about it. Take time to relax your mind regularly. If exercise is too much at first try stretching and
then work up to exercise. Cardio works good. Avoid stressful and negative people if possible. I hear people who believe in God are happier but
you'll have to look into that yourself.
I am not a doctor these are just things I researched myself.
Well, according to the Secret elders video, if you are troubled by distress or grieving, or suffering depression, just do the following:
Pray more
Ask the elders to pray with you
Reject thoughts of suicide by saying "I am an integrity keeper" and reject those thoughts like "immoral thoughts"
Go out in service more
Never miss meetings
So DONT get any professional help!......just do more in the org!
I've been there -- I agree that getting help is important. Talk to your doctor, maybe find a counselor or a support group. Medications can help, there's no point in suffering if you don't have to suffer!
Eat better, exercise outside as much as possible, find ways to give yourself treats.
Don't just try to tough it out, that's a miserable existence and pointless.
I don't know your situation, but I am prone to depression, here is what works for me, your mileage may vary:
Mr. Sunshine, best fix ever, free, zero calories. Do you feel worse in the winter? Do you live in a northern hemisphere? Seasonal depression is very common. Looking back were your worst times in December/January? Solution, sunbathing, vitamin D.
Vitamin B complex, works pretty fast for me.
Exercise. Yeah, I know, last thing you want to do, but it helps.
Caffeine. No kidding, scientifically proven to help with depression. There is a reason Starbucks owns the world. Many types of depression are worse in the morning, use a cuppa Joe to get you going, preferably out on a walk, in the sun. Three cures in one!
Focus on positive things. Stop looking at the news all the time, it's all bad, if you are depressed, it's just going to make it worse.
Get rid of critical or downer people in your life (as much as you can) Talk to your friends, tell them what's going on, they would want to know. They may have insight into what is going on.
Meditate. Meditation will change your life, I promise. There are books everywhere on how to do it, there are many different ways, they all work.
Journal. Sit down every day, write three pages about whatever pops into your head. Then, throw it away. It's a great way to get in touch with your feelings, get them up and out. Julia Cameron, in the book The Artists Way recommends this to unleash blocked creativity, and every one needs to be creative.
Well, that's all I have, I hope it helps.