If the earth is going to burn up as Born Agains teach would that make Jesus a "false prophet"?

by booker-t 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jhine

    Hi dabster , sorry that I have been so long in replying . Designs , the church I go to tends to only mention going to heaven in funeral services . I think because going back years when people did not read well and priests (vicars ) told people what to believe then going to heaven or hell was held over people's heads to make them behave . When the "masses " did not have much education and worked long hours, sitting around discussing what this Greek word meant or what that Hebrew phrase was about just did not happen . So to simplify things the blokes in charge (rightly or wrongly ) kept things simple . This still tends to be the case with lots of people going to weddings or funerals . the hatching , matching and dispatching majority who only go to church for those events have learnt at school or from their parents that if you are good you go to heaven and that is what grieving mourners want to hear at funerals even if the don't actually believe !!

    Those of us who do seriously study the Bible consider all possible meanings and interpretations and listen to the ideas of others who have given great thought to these matters . Unlike the WT we can discuss openly and do our own research . This may lead to a number of different ideas , but isn't that better than the rigid way of the org " believe this or you are out " . What we all agree on is that for salvation you need to believe in the death and ressurection of Christ to pay the price for sin . Anything else we can find out about definitively later .


  • villagegirl

    WT propaganda paints all Christians with the same brush.

    Adventists believe in a Paradise earth and most evangelicals

    believe is a thousand year reign of Christ on earth.

    The doctrines of the Watchtower are not unique, what is unique

    is the idea eight men are the sole channel of communication and

    that there are two classes , heavenly and earthly, which is nowhere

    to be found in scripture. Christianity is about being one in the body of christ.

  • punkofnice

    There seems to be disharmony with what the different cults/factions/faiths believe.

    Even within a faith individuals will differ.

    What do I think? Er......if it happens it happen...if it doesn't it doesn't.

    God can kill me I don't give a sh1t.

  • jwfacts

    Why does it make Jesus a false prophet? Where did he ever say that the earth would remain forever?

  • designs

    jwf- There are several omissions in Jesus teachings, Gan Eden being one of them. Acts 3:19-21 give a overview when it mentions the 'restoration of all things as spoken through the holy prophets'.

  • garyneal

    Troll much, booker-t?

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