How Do You Think The Last 100 Years of Kingdom Rule Has Been Going?

by minimus 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • minimus

    Your comments will be appreciated.

  • suavojr

    Same as 100 years ago, NOTHING from JC and lots of innovation from Satan’s world.

  • NewYork44M

    I got no complaints. Is king Jesus responsible for the iPhone? If so, tell him thanks.

  • steve2

    I can only comment on the last 50 to 60 years but I'd give him a C+. He's got it in him - he just needs to try harder. It is disappointing that he has started to advocate the internet over door-knocking. I see a big Fail looming on the horizon - not quite the end we'd been led to expect. There is still time to turn things around...will he? won't he?

  • Londo111

    I believe the Bethel layoffs pretty much say it best... not to mention the forced 'retirement' of COs over 70...

    For any JW who wants to begin research on this:

  • eyeuse2badub

    Lots of exciting things have happened! Too bad they have ALL been invisible to us dubs.

    just saying!


  • jam

    Well in 1900 man average life span 49, today 77...

    But I don't know if Kingdom rule have any thing to

    do with it.LOL

  • Xanthippe

    Where's my log cabin in the mountains with tame tigers and bears roaming around my vineyard and fig trees? He promised

  • jw07

    Gee, Christ has been ruling all this time? I don't know whether I should thank him or Satan for
    The same things hyped in every other talk or Watchtower / Awake magazine.

    - Nuclear weapons
    - Hydrogren weapons
    - AIDs
    - The Internet
    - Internet Porn
    - Social Media
    - Increase in cancers

    Lot's of bad things have slipped in under Christ's watchfull rule :-o at this rate life should have been better BEFORE he started to rule. The logic doesn't add up.

  • jam

    Veiws against Gays have changed dramatically in the past

    100 years (which is good). So , who rule is this under??

    Again, being ruled under Satan or under Kingdom rule.

    I think Satan is doing a better job...

    I don't recall any war in the name of Satan..

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