Comstock Sign Systems!
by Atlantis 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
Witness My Fury
It's a cult and a scam!
LoisLane looking for Superman
Oh oh ...
Last paragraph...
"General comments:
This account is not for personal use.
The details of our business arrangements with this supplier are confidential.
Please do not share our pricing with other suppliers".
LL (not Bean))
Luke 12:1 Watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
*** w97 3/15 p. 18 par. 5 Let Discernment Safeguard You ***
If we were to use spiritual relationships to promote any sort of commercialism, would this not show at least some lack of appreciation for spiritual values? Congregational connections should never be exploited for financial gain. -
breakfast of champions
Thanks for the insight on the sign biz and prices, INDIAN LARRY.
I know when my local KH needed a new PA amplifier, the RBC directed the congregation to a "brother".
He wanted to sell them a TOA mixer/amplifier for literally twice as much as you could get it for at Sam Ash - yet the brothers followed the "direction" of the RBC.
Have also heard brothers experinced in commercial construction remark on how expensive RBC building materials are - all sourced by our fine "brothers".
What a scam!
Interesting. I noted that on their website, Comstock says they make all kinds of signs, but the only link to a catalog is for JW related stuff. I agree, it looks like they have a nice little deal going on here.
Does price matter? Isn't corporate going to pay the bill now?
Seeking agape
How sad! I know the guy who owns this company and I always had a weird feeling about him. He is an Elder ( that pionsneers, so you everyone thinks he is extra special) Within the last six months he gave a public talk that I had the pleasure of attending, about how bad this system of things is getting or something like that. But what stood out to me was how he talked about the minimum wage increase was bad for the economy for a good 5-7 min. He went on and on about how raising the minimum wage will make very thing more expensive for everyone else and how it hurts small businesses. I rolled my eyes and let out a quiet giggle cause this guy is infamous for refusing to pay more than the minimum wage to any of his employees. he offered my husband a job when we first moved here and it took all we could to not laugh in his face when he offered him minimum wage and no benefits, of course. I think minimum wage was like $7.75 or $8.00 back then. My husband had previously worked at a sign shop as an installed in so-cal amd made $12-$18 (depending on the job)plus good benefits. But that was a "worldly company"
I know Nick Comstock as well, from a congretation in central California that I used to attend. From there he moved to Bakersfield, where apparently he still is.
He was a fairly ok person, as Witnesses go. Not a clear thinker at all. Very much an organization man. Probably still saying the system can't last more than another year or two.
He's been in the sign business for a very long time.