Or atleast tweaking it again... Apparently there has been rumors of this coming out of Bethel.
Is it true that the GB is soon planning on ditching the 1914 doctrine?
by yogosans14 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What if they just ignore it? Do you think anyone will notice?
It sounds like they are going to celebrate it based on their 100 years of Kingdom rule statements...
Barrold Bonds
Yeahhhhhhhhh no
I've just heard rumors, nothing confirmed. They could change it later in the future. As of now, it's 100 years. Time to celebrate!
Yes, but it will take a time. They will not get a new light immediatelly, they will need to whitewash their past and anything associated with that fiasco.
Sam Whiskey
I can't see how they can/could ditch it. It's the very core of the belief system.
JW GoneBad
The May 1, 1975 Watchtower page 285 quoted the then WT Vice President F.W. Franz as commenting on 1914:
".....the Bible proves that Jehovah is “the greatest chronologist” and “we have the anchor date, 1914, marking the end of the Gentile Times.”
As everyone knows, much of the Jehovah's Witnesses belief system is anchored by or embedded in 1914. So if the GB decide to ditch, discard or otherwise scrap 1914... well......let the implosion begin!
Uggh.....IF it is true and does happen......it will go over MOST JW's head. Most can't even show you how to come up with the date by using the WT's interpretation of the scripture. They just shake their head to it and repeat. When the WT comes up with the "New Light" of not using that date, most of the JWs will just accept it as a progressive change. Such a shame.
@whathehadas. So sad but very true.