While doing the research over the last several years that lead me to conclude that the Wt. Society was in error, I was introduced to the possibility that the writings of all scripture was completed by the early to mid 60s CE. The reasoning that is used in the publications varies. By just using the logic as to when the book of Jude was written, the "All Scripture.." and the "Insight" book suggest it was the year 65 CE because ..."Jude does not mention Cestius Gallus' moving in to put down the Jews' revolt in 66 CE nor does he mention the fall of Jerusalem in 70 CE. (italics mine)
This didn't mean much to me at the time (several times) of reviewing this book during the TMS. As mentioned, over the last several years, my study and research lead me to a lot of alternatives. One of which is that all writings were completed before 70 CE including the last book, Revelation. None of the writings include any information regarding the worst destrucion of Jerusalem ever recorded in history. There is no Christian book of Lamentations. Not any of John's writings (96-98 CE) discuss it. This suggests that it hadn't happened and his writings would have been previous to the year 70. Of course this changes the popular prophetic explanation of many religious groups, not just JWs. I'm aware of the Pretarist view and they fall into more than one category, and I avoid being called an "ist" of anything, because I don't think the "jury" is completely out on many of things we have yet to get a full grasp on. But I can say for myself, that it answers more questions than not. Reading the Bible, especially the Christian scriptures, is much more focused, makes more sense, and explains why groups such as JWs are constantly adjusting their timelines.
I know there are several on this board that have commented (quite articulately) in this regard. That point about Jude's writing time is just another good hint. Your thoughts!?