One elder in my cong told me that this is a DF offense? is this true? Can yoga be practised?
by FL_Panthers 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
Go try it yourself and let us know how you do.
I believe it would be viewed as "spiritism" or "interfaith", thus "apostasy".
Interesting, as I have just taken it up. My instructor always starts with prayer, and speaks of the Yin/Yang balance of the universe, Mother Earth and Father Heaven, Grace and Truth. There's lots of talk about opening my Heart-centre (sternum) up to Heaven (ceiling).
label licker
A few years back we had a local needs on being careful to research the background on things like yoga. When they said the word things I thought there was more to it than just yoga but the whole talk was on yoga. Afterwards I spoke to the elder who gave the talk and said I have ten tapes on yoga. How can there be anything wrong with it when all it does is put you in shape physically and mentally relax you to start your hectic day. He said to be careful that it doesn't go beyond the physical aspect and not touch into the mental aspect. He said some get you to focus on things like spiritisim while you are working out and that the ones doing the teaching are into spiritistic worship. That satan is very decieving.
Sheesh! I should have put a turban on and wear my push up sports bra under my see through blouse to the meeting like some who have the custom of doing.(Like the elders wives for instance)
Found Sheep
I love yoga :)
breakfast of champions
My favorite Star Wars character.
Wouldn't that be YODA? This thread is about yoga.
I actually just came back from a yoga retreat (but been doing yoga for a while before I went). It was such an amazing experience physically, emotionally and spiritually; and I met some beautiful like minded people.
We also did chanting which I found very touching on a deep emotional level. I am sure the chanting would be viewed by the JW's as satanic (I've been out for 20 years) but I loved it, and guess what I didn't get demon possessed
I think its just another form of control to try and stop people doing can open up your mind and heart to spirituality in a different way, that they don't want. It might make you see that other forms of spirituality are not "evil" but beautiful in a different way and start questioning the "truth".
My family that are still in were a bit taken aback that I was going to a retreat...and I was selective about what I told them I did there, just to maintain the status quo. Emphased the physical aspect rather than anything else.
Even if you only do yoga for the physical benefits, it can only help you.
Just finished our 40 min of yoga...if being possessed means feeling great after "doing yoga" then I will continue.
There was a time that if you said you were taking a yoga class they would DF you...not so much anymore since yoga if done at home can be done without the spiritual chanting.