How the organization can survive and thrive in the 21st Century

by kneehighmiah 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • kneehighmiah

    Let's face it. After 2014 comes and goes uneventfully, reality will hit hard for many. The organization will fall apart and apathy, inactivity and bitterness will rule. If the organization wants to survive they will need to trim the fat. Trimiming the fat means getting rid of dead weight members who contribute neither time nor money. The solution? Become a club/worldwide fraternity. How? Instead of forcing people to stay in, only keep people who want to stay. It will increase morale and money. The key is to make being a member worthwhile M I've listed steps to implement this.

    1. End strict shunning of those who no longer believe the watchtower. Most "apostates" want to simply be left alone. Those who grew up in "the truth" want the freedom to live their lives without losing their families. Don't force people to stay. We've heard the saying "if you don't like it then leave." This should truly be an option. You will no longer have bitter angry members who go through the motions just to keep family. Only JWs who actually want to be JWs will remain. After implanting step 1 membership could decrease by half.

    2. Ex-members will be shunned "spiritually." This means no invitations to witness only events. you can't receive the perks of being a member of an international brotherhood. This leads to step 3.

    3. Create membership perks. Jehovah's Witnesses are a very tight-knit community. for many JWs the organization comes first above anything else. Make being a member truly special. How? Make all regional conventions invite only with a list of yearly international Destinations. No ex members allowed. The host cities will entertain and dine the visiting brothers prior to the convention similar to how special conventions are currently run. Make hospital visitation members only. Funerals and weddings too. Congregations will have to be consolidated, but all members will be zealous. Continue to push the agenda that JWs are special.

    4. End door to door or severely scale it back. Allow members to recruit by operating literature carts/Tables, distributing tracts and online through JW.Org. Create television commercials, internet ads and billboards. Use social media to attract youth. Allow youtn sports.

    5. Allow higher education. Wealthier members means more contributions. Less time in mind numbing door to door service means better jobs, which again means more money.

    6. Blood is a conscience decision.

    7. Create a statement of beliefs. Variation of personal belief within the framework allowed.

    8. Pay me a hefty consulting fee for helping them make more money.

    Membership would initially decline, but then rebound as Jehovah's witnesses would become a religious based social club.

  • jgnat

    4. End door to door or severely scale it back. Allow members to recruit by operating literature carts/Tables, distributing tracts and online through JW.Org. Create television commercials, internet ads and billboards. Use social media to attract youth. Allow youtn sports.

    I predict online witnessing through Facebook.

    They need a real Sunday School for the children.

    How about achievement badges for hitting certain milestones?

    The measures should be more than simple time put in. How about number of studies started, child care, bible verses memorized, charity works, cleaning duties?

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Dream On. Still Totally ADD

  • Vidiot

    Kneehigh and jgnat, you guys are - by and large - talking about progressive reform.

    No offense, but I have a hard time imagining the WTS being willing or capable of that.

  • jgnat

    LOL, yeah. Most likely the WTS will keep fleecing the sheep until they run away, bleeding. Steady, nearly imperceptable demise until they go the way of the Shakers and the Quakers.

  • eyeuse2badub

    The attitude of the gb is, "if it ain't broke why fix it?" They ain't broke so no fixes are a comin'.

    just sayin'!


  • Ucantnome

    Let's face it. After 2014 comes and goes uneventfully, reality will hit hard for many.

    the elder i spoke to recently said it didn't matter if there was a twenty year difference. he was an intelligent man.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Exactly, eyeuse2badub! "They ain't broke"...... and that is what they are all about!

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    The organisation will survive as long as people attach there main purpose in life to it. But its kind of sad attaching your love to an impersonal word named organisation. I mean an organisation doesnt have feelings so to give your life to developing a relationship with an organisation is as worthwhile as ...well i find it sad. The saddest part is the relationship with organisation can often destroy the real meaningful family relationships that do involve humun feeling.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Ucantnome.... "it doesn't really matter if it isn't until 20 years from now"

    I believe that is the mindset....

    The GB has been "grooming" witnesses for this for yearrrrrrssss.... "Who cares when it happens, we'll be ready!" "It can come at any moment, but who really knows the day and the hour" "We are serving Jehovah forever anyway"

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