Longhairgal said: So sad. I do believe many JWs are like the proverbial frogs in the water who are boiled to death and they can't even see what is happening to them...It is a sad state of affairs in the religion. First, you check your brain at the door. Then, you are told to let down your guard and "widen out". There are too many ways to be victimized in that place. All the togetherness and nosiness is not normal. People do not respect boundaries.
It really is. At first it sounds so sonderful - I mean who wouldn't wan to live forever in paradise with no sickness or death? And the love-bombing - I mean these people are amazing at this! Hugs, kind words, I am always told I am so beautiful, I am so smart, they love me like I am a flesh and blood sister...and even my 12 year old told me : "Mom, you know they will stop talking to you when you stop going! They are not real friends!" This was said to me by my child when I was trying to point out some positives about the people there.
She hates going, she doesnt believe it and will not get sucked in...but she goes along with it very well. We are both trying to be stategic, and I have told her that no matter what anyone ever tells her, that she should never blindly believe anything or anyo one without checking it out first.
Now how sad is that when you have to strategize about your "friends"???
Now I have noticed that most JWs that I meet are either born-in, raised in, or married in. I have yet to meet anyone that isn't older that just joined up...has anyone else noticed that?