*** jv chap. 15 p. 205 Development of the Organization Structure ***
However, Brother Russell emphasized that they were not attempting to set up an “earthly organization.” Rather, he said, “we adhere only to that heavenly organization—‘whose names are written in heaven.’ (Heb. 12:23; Luke 10:20.)” Because of Christendom’s sordid history, reference to “church organization” usually reminded a person of sectarianism, clergy domination, and membership on the basis of adhering to a creed formulated by a religious council. So, when referring to themselves, Brother Russell felt that the term “association” was a better one.
Surprising how WBTS became EXACTLY what Russell was against.
by Fernando 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
But since every Bible Student had to follow Studies In The Scriptures how was Russell any different.
Too true designs.
He wasn't, not really. He may have been sincere, but that does not mean he wasn't deluded. I believe ...
[ Disclaimer: Data-Dog's beliefs are subject to change, reletive to new information that Data-dog learns through experience, the internet, reading, science and other humans. Data-dog reserves the right to change his views based on any of the former. Data-dog is not responsible for any damages that outside parties may experience by following Data-dog's advice. Data-dog's "beliefs" are only for entertainment purposes, and should not be the basis of one's life decisions. Data-dog is not responsible for the treatment of Llamas or Alpacas, in South America, and cannot be held liable for any "alledged" videos involving Llamas or Alpacas.]
Xianity is just another word for ZERO CHOICE. It's like having a plate with 3 sections. One has rice, one has beans, one has salsa. Here is your menu choice:
1) Rice, beans and Salsa.
2) Beans, Salsa and rice.
3) Salsa, rice and beans.
You can spin the plate and call it a choice, but there are only so many options.
... and that's why they threw him under the bus by taking away his FDS status. Anything he said or did may have been misguided, no need to think that anything he said was Spirit Directed ™.
DD: Xianity is just another word for ZERO CHOICE. It's like having a plate with 3 sections. One has rice, one has beans, one has salsa. Here is your menu choice:
1) Rice, beans and Salsa.
2) Beans, Salsa and rice.
3) Salsa, rice and beans.
Or in the case of WT: beans, beans, beans. Which explains the veritable cornucopia of voluminous odoriferous eminations coming from Brooklyn...
Happy Friday and thanks to DD and ADCMS for the laughs!
new hope and happiness
so Beans, Beans, Beans means W.T beans...where the fun begins marketed and packaged from W.T headquarters.
Brother Russell emphasized that they were not attempting to set up an “earthly organization.”
Remember the "Religion is a Snare and a Racket" signs from Rutherford's days? That was a carryover from that view. Religion was bad. But they weren't a religion. They were a group of god's true servants gathered together to warn mankind before Armageddon arrived...shortly. Nowadays the Watchtower claims clergy status for elders in certain instances. The pretense is gone.