I was fortunate to be recommended for a sales position by a former colleague. The company phoned me and we set up an interview. I accepted their offer - it is nearly double what I earn at the moment. I know that I'm going to have to work hard, but I do already and don't get paid all that well, so working hard AND getting a good salary - well thank you very much.
I have further to travel in the morning, but I don't mind, the route is pretty okay and the traffic flow not so bad.
The newspaper is called Bayede - that is zulu for "hail the king" This paper is indorsed or falls under the domain of the zulu king Goodwill Zwelitini. It is a high end isiZulu paper aimed at the growing black market. I'm looking forward to working on this title - new challenges and I'm going to learn so much about the culture, heritage, language of the isiZulu.
......how tides have turned. Life has gotten so much better and I'm so happy that I hung in there - with the help from you beautiful people.
Eric - Never Forgotten
South Africa has just held their 5th democtratic elections and this is the second time I voted.