If only there were another GB member like Ray Franz

by tornapart 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A.proclaimer

    I think that GB members probably have come across certain doctrines they question, but this being "Gods only organization" and because thesee teachings have been so ingrained into the religion, any doubts could be brushed off. And let's face it, being a GB member is no cake, they're probably off doing a lot of organizational work, keeping their minds on other things, planning for future structure of the religion, traveling, and such. They probably don't even take the time to examine things closely. It's like what Ray Franz said, many hardly had time to read the Bible or have a close examination of it when receiving questions. Not to have them off the hook for their actions, they've heard probaby heard opposing points but choose to ignore it or not even deal with It, even if it's reasonable like on the 1914 subject back in the late 70's.

    It would be cool to have an ex-GB member tell their story like Ray Franz did, and updated version of today. But it's unlikely there will be one anytime soon. Part of what got Ray Franz to question was his work on Aid to the Bible understanding book and examining things scripturally rather than resort to Watchtower publications.

  • done4good

    All they need to believe is this is "Gods" organization, and that their reason for existence is to protect and perpetuate it. With that mindset, they do not need to believe anything they teach at all. What is taught, is so, because it is thought of to have the best probability of protecting the organisation. Pure pragmatism with a good level of cynicism to keep it that way.

    Ray spoke of this cynicism in CoC and ISoCF. This could only have increased in the last 35 years. IMO, no chance of another Ray Franz "incident".


  • dozy

    I think it is very unlikely that a GB member like RF would ever be appointed again.

    RF was a GB member at a time when the real power was held by Knoor , F W Franz & Adams. At that time the GB were really little more than an advisory board - they didn't have the power that the GB have now. It also coincided with the brief period of glasnost after the 1975 debacle.

    Nowadays new GB men appointees are no more than placemen - WTBTS loyalists to the core. They are usually called to serve as so called "given ones" with the GB committees for a few years and thoroughly vetted. Someone like Ray Franz with his scholarly knowledge , experience & propensity to "think out of the box" wouldn't get anywhere near being appointed to the GB.

  • nonjwspouse

    Blondie, I believe it was the Gadsden, Ala area where Ray settled wasn't it? I am familiar with the area so that factoid stuck with me. Am I correct?

    I think it is like the 1984 book where Winston was a sort of anomoly that his concience was not able to be controlled after he had so much inested in the organization. The GB members have long ago sucessfully compartmentalized thier concience in order to allow the WTBTS belief that they are the mouthpiece of God, no matter what. They don't actually critically think about it, they just ..do. The higher they go the more concrete the controlled compartment of their concience must be to remain there. If one did have a COC like Ray it would be emormous and who knows, at this point, maybe even deadly.

  • KateWild

    Personally, I think there are members of the GB and writing dept that know TTATT and are helping JWs out the Org. Some of the material written in the WT about critical thinking has been valuable. Also some of the revised or adjusted thoughts are so convoluted, any JWs that is sincerely studying will have serious doubts as we have seen on JWN.

    For me I don't think this is all incidental, I really believe there are decent ones on the GB and writing committee trying to teach TTATT in a clandestine and tactful way. They know what happened to Ray and are trying a different strategy, look at all the leaks we get.

    I know it seems far fetched, but I can't see the GB being so dumb as to teach critical thinking skills and then write nulite in such a convoluted manner that give people doubts.

    Kate xx

  • lisaBObeesa

    I bet when GB members are appointed now they are required to sign some legal agreement that says they will never write a book or in any way reveal what goes on.

    I think even if there ever were another Ray Franz we would never know it..

  • blondie

    Gadsen is in the Atlanta area...

  • Ahab

    What if there were two "Rutherfords" in the GB. Two very vain men who didn't want to share power with anyone. There was a ruthless struggle for power. One of them saw he was losing. The loser saw , that as the loser, he was likely to be thrown out to the dirty streets of Brooklyn, so he decided to go "nuclear". He goes to the newpapers. The dirty linen becomes public. Divisions occur, even among the Witnesses. Unlike in 1918. the power was so evenly balanced, no side could win a clear victory; things begin to come apart. The center cannot hold. It wouldn't require any good honest men to do this. In the King Lear Play by Shakespeare, the two bad daughters who stole the Kingdom turned on one another and brought the whole realm down to ruin.

  • Quendi

    Blondie, Gadsden, Alabama is nowhere near Atlanta. Birmingham, Alabama is much closer to it than Atlanta is.

    I do not believe any of the currently serving Governing Body members feels any twinge of conscience about their roles in the organization or if the organization has divine sanction. All serving members are carefully vetted before being allowed into the sanctum sanctorum. Only hardened company men get to the top. That was true of Ray Franz whose doubts developed after his appointment and even then never prompted him to ask some of the tougher questions he should have. I have deep respect for him and his accomplishments, but I also feel that he did not go far enough in his thinking.

    Ray Franz's arrival set off a chain events that eventually impacted every congregation in the state of Alabama. His disfellowshipping was shocking enough to Witnesses there, but a greater surprise was when his friend and employer was disfellowshipped simply for having a meal with him. I still remember how the organization chose to handle that case. It was the first time I can ever recall that the letter announcing the action was read in every congregatiion in the state of Alabama! That was a first for us and I have never heard of a similar action being taken in the United States before or since.

    I believe the present ruling clique is irreformable. The Ray Franz crisis hasn't been forgotten and I doubt it will recur. Governing Body candidates will be given the acid test before any are elected to fill vacancies and/or given additional seats. "Once burned, twice shy" will be the guiding principle from now on for selecting new members.


  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Ray was before the internet.

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