Someone mentioned earlier, that the vast majority of people go along with the staus quo in life, doing as their told, doing what they perceive they should do because every one else does it. Only a very few start to question life, and where they are heading, and think about the bigger role of humanity.
Ironically, its the same attitude and dissatisfaction that draws people to the JWs. I suppose that is why they have one of the lowest rates of retention.
I'm guessing a lot of people join the JWs because it's something different to the mainstream, in a sense they are rebelling against the world system and it's ideologies. But if your bringing in people who have that "rebel" streak in them, it's only a matter of time until they rebel against the teachings of the WT. whether it takes 1 year or 40 years.
This is why i think a lot of people question doctrine but keep it too themselves. They are rebellious and non conformist in nature, but a lot of the time, by the time their mind catches onto the the cracks in the doctrine, it is too late. By this time they are in their 40's, 50's or 60's they are in deep with a lot of family "in", and their entire life and world view revolves around JWdom.
They rebelled against the norm as they are non conformist in nature, but then finally realize when it is too late, that in actual fact they did conform, just to a different narrative.
They realize they SOLD OUT.
Which is one of the major reasons i believe their is so much unhappiness in the congregations.