One thing Rutherford should be noted as being would be a great religious charlatan that carried over the
commercialized lies and bullshit from his predecessor C T Russell, to run and operate the Watchtower Publishing house.
by Zoos 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
One thing Rutherford should be noted as being would be a great religious charlatan that carried over the
commercialized lies and bullshit from his predecessor C T Russell, to run and operate the Watchtower Publishing house.
It's all a mistake due to a miss print and slight hearing loss what the mighty prophet before the Lord said was "Millions now living will never diet"
It all ties in with generation that doesn't appear to die off he was reffering to our day he was very forward looking in that respect.
There was more to the talk than just the title, so there is no way to reinvent the message of the campaign to stop him looking like a nutter.
Chronologically, the "Times of Res-
titution" begin in 1925, when dying
will gradually cease. "And God shall
wipe away all tears from their eyes.
To be honest the Watchtower could make this claim today and be true to reality...... because memory uploading is around the corner. But when that happens the WT will condem it since they didn't come up with it.