This new tract being released by the JWs sounds an alarm!!! The tract at first glance does not look religious at all!!! It looks like political information, you have to almost search for the one scripture cited. I said that to say this, if your not aware of the JWs occult ties, please google or youtube it. There is enough info and documentaction out there now, that it's no longer a secret!!! This new tract looks to tie in with the so called "conspiracy theroy" of a new world order, the very words the WBATS used not too long ago... The occult/illuminati/masons or whatever you want to call are real google or YouTube it!!! There's more than likely nothing that we can do about it, but it's always great to be informed! I know there are those that don't agree so if your one of them I've already heard your comments so keep them to yourself, and I wouldn't be surprised if you are an undercover bethlite or elder. ;)
Here is is a video on the subject.