Toto555, you bring up a good subject, basically about bullying. I have been in your situation with elders that didn't like my family, or didn't like my dad etc. It can be difficult.
I've got an older brother who is a bully. He is an elder in the Christian Congregation. WuWooo. Over the years I've tried to be nice and treat him not just fairly, but equally, and all I've ever gotten was a kick in the butt, (Literally, when I was 10 or 11.), character assasination, lies, and slandered. This doesn't sound peaceful, but the way I NOW deal with Bullies, (Once it is evident that is their MO), is to administer an immediate, exponential to their own actions, a reply that teaches them that if they screw with me, it will be painful somehow, someway.
My mom always told me to show the love card, demonstrate spiritual qualities, etc. which basically only emplowered and enabled the bully, and made me even more wimpyer, and appear weak. Over the years I have reconsidered my actions, and see that not all things can be dealt with Biblical/Jesus peace. Even King David had times when he stood up for himself and saddled his horse and went to kick some butt. There was no "waiting" on Jehovah, "saddle up boys, where going to kick some butt".
I know of one situation where the publisher, (woman) had asked to meet with the problem elder with a elder that they felt would be fair and objective to listen. (Matt 18:15) The publisher just laid it all out how it appeared that the elder was not showing Christlike love to the brotherhood, especially her, not acting like a sheppard. She didn't let anything go, and when he was called on the rug about it and it was known by another elder, he didn't change his attitude about her, but he left her alone.