Should I Shun My Dog?

by snugglebunny 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • snugglebunny
    Some background:

    Josie the miniature schnauzer is now 12 years old, so she's old enough to know the difference between right and wrong.

    However, she insists on peeing in the middle of my beautifully tended lawn, which, as a consequence, is now covered in brown patches. I've remonstrated with her a number of times and each time she purports to show a diplay of repentance, that is, she slinks away on her belly with her ears flattened down tightly to her head. She also looks at me soulfully and nuzzles away at my feet hoping to regain my approval. However, she repeatedly re-offends, so much so that I gathered the family around in order to give her a public reproof, whereupon she did howl most piteously to be allowed back into the bosom of the family.

    Regrettably, Josie has sinned once again and another brown patch will soon appear as a testament towards her wrongdoings. Obviously her repentance was not genuine, had it have been so there would have been no repetition of her earlier behaviour. I believe that her conduct is indeed bordering on brazen, so I am minded to disfellowship her forthwith.But this is where I am faced with a dilemma:

    As Josie is still living at home, what association should I continue to have with her, if any? The WT said that it might even be possible to have none at all. Obviously our tummy-tickling relationship is now at an end as is our throw a ball and bring it back escapades. But what verbal contact should we have between us now? Should it be confined to absolutely essential matters or would a degree of doggerel be in order? And should I put her food bowl outside so that she doesn't join us under the table when the family are eating? Is this what my disfellowshipped dog needs to see? Or maybe I'm just barking up the wrong tree...
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  • Prefect

    You are defiantly barking mad. LOL.

    Great post.

  • clarity

    Snuggle .......yes yes you should. It makes about the same sense as WT shunning people hahah, ....funny.

  • Zoos

    You cannot shun her completely unless she has been baptized. You can only perceive her as "bad association" and mark her.

    You cannot dine with here in public but you can still greet her at the meetings.

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  • stillin
    Your dog has a diseased mind.
  • Fisherman

    Is this what my disfellowshipped dog needs to see? Or maybe I'm just barking up the wrong tree...

    ....And should I put her food bowl outside.....

    New International Version
    "Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood." Rev 22:15

    Since dogs cannot enter into the kingdom, let her get used to staying outside. Get yourself a cat or another animal.

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  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Be careful your dog may be of the Anointed, you can't be a repeating offender

    if you are living by your own rules. Have a long talk with the little fellow and

    find out if he have some Apostate thinking, if so you are in deep trouble, you

    must show him the door.

  • OneFingerSalute

    You can only perceive her as "bad association" and mark her.

    I tried to mark my dog, but all I succeeded in doing was pissing down my own leg. Does that count?

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  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Fisherman, "Get yourself a cat or another animal."

    But cats fornicate.

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  • sparrowdown

    I suppose she returns to her own vomit as well.

    There's no hope for her.

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