DO you beleive our spirit lives on in other dimensions or are we really just dead??
When we die...
by Finallyfree12 156 Replies latest jw friends
This life is all you get. Sorry to break the news to you.
We are star dust.....CSNY
I believe we live on.
Life and death - everything you ever need to know...
Since I've discovered that so much of the JW doctrine that I firmly adhered to is BS, I am no longer sure about what to believe about any of it. I don't even know where to start.
DesirousOfChange i couldn't agree with you anymore!!!
I think there is more to it....
The Scotsman
We survive death and continue on.... somewhere...
I believe that, there are 2 Fates that await us.
1. Anointed Individuals (Not only 144,000 - Available to anyone that accepts God's Call Matthew 22:14) These are transformed instantly and their spiritual "soul" is transported to Heaven / The Garden of Eden.
2. For Non Anointed Individuals, they are asleep in Death and all will be Resurrected on the Last Day. (This includes Every Human that has ever had a HeartBeat, from Cai. To the Last Person to Live) The only exception is an anointed individual that Sins against the Holy Spirit Hebrews 10:26-29
I believe that during the 1,000 Year Reign, Jesus and the Annointed will be with those that are Resurrected on the Earth. They will have the same body type "essence" that Jesus had when he returned after his Death.
Regardless of what Faith An Individual Holds to (Christian,Judaism,Islam) this is the Belief generally.