Are the charts and number graphics you see in the WT and AWAKE articles factual? Or are they misleading?
Many have already discussed how verses, quotes, and facts are cherry-picked to fit a particular situation.
I came across another BLATANT misrepresentation of facts, in a grossly misleading chart-graphic. So far beyond factual that I almost laughed the moment I saw it.
Please open your current study copy of the WT (dated March 15), and we can review. On the very first page (page 2), inside cover, is the chart highlighting the GROWTH OF PIONEERS in Australia. As you can clearly see, EVIDENTLY there was an ENORMOUS spike in Aux, Reg, and Special Pioneers over a 10-year period. For those of you without the current magazine, it shows Aux Pioneers in 2003 of approx 6200, and in 2013 about 21,000. Reg Pioneers in 2003 about 3,000, and in 2013 just over 5,000. Special Pioneers in 2003 an abismal 12, while in 2013 the number flew to just over 100 !
At first glance, to the average Borg member, these figures are fantastic, and a great witness, showing the HUGE effect that Holy Spirit must EVIDENTLY be having in Australia.
But if you stop and think about it for just a few brief minutes, you can see the fallacy. What they dont show, and dont remind you of, so as to not pop your little bubble, is that a huge change occurred in the years between 2003 and 2013. I will just focus for a minute on the AUXILARY PIONEERS, as this has shown the largest jump in numbers, OBVIOUSLY because of the efforts of the HOLY SPIRIT.
Here is the change: The required number of hours to "aux pioneer" was dropped dramatically. In fact, almost cut in half. So now almost anyone can sign up to pioneer, and "promise" to get their 30 hours in. (sidepoint: What happens if you dont make your hours? Answer: Nothing.) So OF COURSE the numbers went up! DUH! And then, the other half of the equation. You can sign up to Aux Pioneer 3 times a year or more, and get your 30 hrs in, during special campaign months (Memorial, District Convention, Special tract). So in effect, 1 person siging up 3 times a year (for 30 hrs each time) becomes a figure of 3 Aux Pioneers, for chart purposes.
The other thing they dont mention in ANY literature or charts is actually how many of those pioneers MADE THEIR HOUR requirement! When I served as secretary to the congregation (in multiple congregations), it was a RARITY to have anyone make the actual quotas. Regular Pioneers were the absolute worst! Special tract campaigns were a close second! We would regularly have 30-40 people sign up to Aux Pioneer for a tract campaign, and it would be a miracle if 25% actually got the 30, or even close. (sidebar: one CO visit we had, he focused on starting bible studies. He made sure to tell everyone that if you had 2 return visits on a person in one week, it could be counted as a study. So at the end of the week, he was able to report to the branch that the congregation had started 28 NEW bible studies this week! Absolutely stupid. Amazing but true, and the next month those 28 studies somehow evaporated.)
In review.... just in case you didnt already get the point....the numbers and charts you see are a sham. They are fake, are embellished upon, and are made up. Just a little thinking and research will remind you that you can't believe everything you see, even when it comes from the Most Holy.
Jack Harper, Tech49